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Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use


Product description

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Copy the national standard table

Total dimensions: 2740mm 1525mm 760mm

Main materials: Steel pipe, SMC

Main bearing column size: 60mm1.8mm

Size of main beam: 30mm20mm1.1mm

Surface treatment process:
1, Degreasing-pickling-phosphating-electrostatic spraying
2, Degreasing – electric blasting – electrostatic spraying

Installation method: Embedded
The product complies with the national standard GB19272-2011 “General safety requirements for outdoor fitness equipment”.
1. The support leg is made of 601.8mm steel tube, and the bending tube is made of 2×42.0mm steel tube;
2, Mesa length: 2740mm mesa thickness 5.5mm mesa width: 1525.3mm, table height: 760mm, diagonal difference 4mm, half counter edge 5mm, the end and edge width is 201.5mm, the width of the center line is 3.1mm, the symmetry of the center line is 3mm, the distance between the center line and the network is 50mm, and the distance between the center line and the dotted line is 10mm.
3, The back of the table is connected by a steel tube support frame. The wall thickness of the support frame is 1mm, and the half-plate support frame is connected by 4 horizontal and 4 vertical support tubes.
4. The table is made of SMC material, and the elasticity of the table is 230~260mm. Welded parts are welded by carbon dioxide gas protection welding, tight and firm, beautiful weld joints, no leakage defects, welding defects, slag, cracks and other defects. 5. The surface of the electrostatic spray plastic surface is smooth and smooth, with uniform color and firm combination.

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

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Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Company Profile

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Shandong Boyue Sports Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2012. Located in Qingyun County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China. It is a high-tech leading enterprise integrating R&D, production, marketing, service and intelligent sports construction.

The company covers an area of ​​40,000 square meters, mainly engaged in sports products such as running tracks, silicone PU materials, padel courts, indoor and outdoor fitness equipment. More than 30 professional production equipment in the workshop, and more than 200 production and sales workers. The company has passed the national certification CE, SGS, ISO9001, NSCC, the products sell well in Europe, America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia and more than 100 countries.

The company adheres to honesty and quality assurance, and welcomes people from all over the world to cooperate.Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use
Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use

Packaging and shipping

Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use


Professional rain and sun protection for table tennis for outdoor or indoor use1. Are you a manufacturer or a trader?
We are a manufacturer with a long history since 2012. We focus on sports products such as athletic tracks, silicone PU materials, padel courts and indoor and outdoor fitness equipment.

2.What's the advantage of your factory?Why should I choose you?
A:Our products are odorless, non-toxic, economical and environmentally friendly.
B: We have more than 10 years of development and production history.
C:We have a professional construction team with extensive construction experience. We can help you with technical guidance.

3. What is the warranty period of your products?
In principle 10 years.

4. What are your payment terms?
T/T 30% as deposit, 70% before shipping. We'll show you the photos of the products and packages before you pay the balance.

5. What are your terms of delivery?

6. We are concerned about the suitability of our production for your local environment.
Don't worry, just provide us with detailed local environmental and climate data (temperature, humidity),
We refine the recipe based on specific data so that we can produce products that meet your needs.




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