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Paolini reaches Wimbledon quarterfinals after Keys crashes out in third set

Paolini reaches Wimbledon quarterfinals after Keys crashes out in third set
Paolini reaches Wimbledon quarterfinals after Keys crashes out in third set


A thrilling fourth-round match at Wimbledon was brought to a premature end when 12th-seeded Madison Keys was forced to withdraw due to a left thigh injury. The match was against seventh-seeded Jasmine Paolini, who reached her first quarter-final at SW19 6-3, 6-7(6), 5-5.

Wimbledon 2024: results|Pulls|Order of play

The Roland Garros finalist was just two points away from victory in the second-set tiebreak, which she had forced from a 5-1 deficit. In the deciding set, Paolini trailed 5-2 before making another comeback. After cutting Keys' lead to 5-4, the American left the court for a medical timeout and was visibly ill when she resumed, particularly on serve.

Paolini, nominated for Most Improved Player at the 2023 WTA Awards, has reached even greater heights in 2024. In addition to her run to the final in Paris, she lifted her first WTA 1000 trophy in Dubai in February. Paolini has never won a match at Wimbledon but has now won four in a row. She is the fifth Italian woman to reach the Wimbledon quarterfinals in the Open Era, and the first since Camila Giorgi in 2018.

Match moments:Until Keys' injury, the match had been a top-quality affair in which the momentum had swung back and forth. In their only previous meeting, in the first round of Dubai 2023, Keys had beaten Paolini 6-1, 6-1. It was a sign of the Italian's vast improvement that she had overturned that at the first change and had taken a 4-0 lead out of the blocks.

The first set was a masterclass from Paolini, who matched Keys's pace with interest and delivered a series of deft volleys. But after Keys lost serve early in the second set, with rain falling so heavily on the roof of the No. 1 Court that it drowned out the sound of the ball being struck, Keys mounted a thundering fightback. Cutting her errors and increasing her first-serve percentage, the 2017 US Open runner-up rattled off five games in a row to lead 5-1.

Keys had two set points at that point, but double-faulted on the first. Paolini won a spectacular net exchange on the second, setting the stage for a four-game winning streak of her own when she tied at 5-5.

The closing stages of the second set produced some of the best tennis of The Championships to date, with both players producing a series of remarkable winners as they went neck-and-neck. Paolini got the jitters with a running backhand pass down the line at 5-5, only to have Keys pull out of that four-deuce back with a pair of aces. Keys followed up with an absurd forehand squash shot pass of her own in the next game, but Paolini held on to force a tiebreak. There, Keys capitalized on her fourth set point with some superb net play.

In the words of Paolini: “I hope she recovers quickly,” Paolini told the press after the match. “I think we played a very good match. Of course it's not the easiest thing to end like this. But I have to say that part of me is happy to be here in the quarterfinals at Wimbledon.

“[The match] was a rollercoaster because I think she plays incredible. I made more mistakes, her level went up. It's not easy to play against her because I think she's one of the best players in the world. Of course, she hits so fast.

“It's normal that it was a roller coaster because the level was so high. If one of us went down a little bit, the other one went up, you know?”

More to come…

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