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The Cherry Cricket expands to 4th location in Broomfield

The Cherry Cricket expands to 4th location in Broomfield
The Cherry Cricket expands to 4th location in Broomfield


The Cherry Cricket has been serving burgers and beer in Cherry Creek for over 79 years, with a new location planned for 2025.

BROOMFIELD, Colo. — A longtime Denver burger joint announced plans Monday to open a fourth location.

The cherry cricket said it plans to open a restaurant in Broomfield in the summer of 2025.

The restaurant said an 8,500-square-foot Broomfield location will occupy the former site of the Old Chicago's restaurant 1280 E. 1st Ave., near West 120th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard.

There are plans for a covered terrace and a citizen garden with seating for more than 300 people. The restaurant will create around 150 new jobs.

The cherry cricket has been open in Cherry Creek for over 78 years, and since 2018 in Denver’s Ballpark neighborhood. A third Cherry Cricket location is set to open in Littleton in 2023.

“We searched extensively throughout the Denver metro area for the ideal location for our next Cherry Cricket, and we fell in love with Broomfield’s strong sense of community,” said Alex Bunn, CMO and VP of Growth for Breckenridge-Wynkoop, LLC. “In speaking with residents and people who grew up here, we heard fond memories of gathering with friends and neighbors in the former Old Chicago. We are excited to revitalize and bring this beloved community space back to life.”

MA Architects and Jordy Construction are building the burger joint's new home in Broomfield.

“We are thrilled to welcome The Cherry Cricket to Broomfield,” said Broomfield Mayor Guyleen Castriotta. “Over the past eight decades, it has become one of Colorado’s most iconic and beloved restaurant brands, and for good reason. We look forward to it becoming an integral part of our rapidly growing and dynamic community. Nothing fits together better than the three B’s — burgers, beer, and Broomfield.”

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