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'If you don't have quality…': Ravi Shastri's advice to 'maintain interest in Test cricket' | Cricket News

'If you don't have quality…': Ravi Shastri's advice to 'maintain interest in Test cricket' | Cricket News
'If you don't have quality…': Ravi Shastri's advice to 'maintain interest in Test cricket' | Cricket News


NEW DELHI: The Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) hosted a symposium on Sunday where different perspectives were shared on the future of Test cricket and the possible use of the 20-overs format to broaden the reach of the sport. One suggestion was to limit Test cricket to just six or seven teams.
The appeal of Test cricket is waning outside India, England and Australia, while lucrative T20 competitions are growing rapidly worldwide.
While top-level Test cricket still often provides exciting moments, the shorter and more action-oriented nature of 20-overs cricket has quickly become the format of choice for new fans of the sport.
Ravi Shastria former Indian player and coach, stressed the importance of maintaining a competitive Test cricket landscape. He suggested that the only way to achieve this is to restrict participation in the format to the relatively stronger teams.
“If you don't have quality, the ratings go down, there are fewer people in the audience. Cricket becomes meaningless and that's the last thing the sport wants,” Shastri was quoted as saying by Reuters during World Cricket Connects, an event at Lord's organised by the MCC.
“You have 12 test match teams. Cut it down to six or seven and have a promotion and relegation system.
“You can have two tiers but let the best six play to maintain interest in Test cricket.
“You can play the game in other ways too, like T20,” the former India coach added.
Justin Langerthe former Australian batsman and coach, expressed his love for T20 competitions but stressed the importance of protecting international cricket because of its potential influence on the younger generation.
To illustrate his point, Langer cited the case of West Indian fast bowler Shamar Joseph, who enjoyed a memorable debut series in Australia this year.
“…Australia was fascinated by it and it brought the Caribbean to life,” Langer said.
“Last week we saw a million people turn up to watch India win the World Cup.
“That's bilateral cricket and international cricket.”
MCC Chairman Mark Nicholas summarised the main points discussed, emphasising that the views expressed were not intended to imply that Test cricket was unjustified. He recognised that cricket, like any other sport, required financial resources to survive and continue its activities.
T20 Cricket “is the monster that everyone wants,” he said.
“There is the new market, there are the fans and there is the money.
“In cricket, money is seen as a dirty word, but it shouldn't be. It's the only way to keep the sport alive.”




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