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Ukrainian tennis star Elina Svitolina in tears over hospital strike after Wimbledon win | UK News

Ukrainian tennis star Elina Svitolina in tears over hospital strike after Wimbledon win | UK News
Ukrainian tennis star Elina Svitolina in tears over hospital strike after Wimbledon win | UK News


Ukrainian tennis star Elina Svitolina burst into tears on court after reaching the quarter-finals of Wimbledon, hours after a Russian missile hit a children's hospital in her home country.

“It is a difficult day for the Ukrainian people,” she said.

“If you have those sad days where you don't want to do anything, this was one of those days for me,” she added.

Svitolina, born in Odessa, wore a black ribbon on her top as she defeated opponent Wang Xinyu 6-2 6-1 at the tournament.

Svitolina described it on Instagram as one of the most difficult matches of her life: “Wimbledon turned black for me today.”

At least 31 people, including children, were killed in the strike at the children's hospital in Kiev.

Follow the latest news: Russia launches hypersonic attack on Ukraine

The Okhmatdyt children's hospital after the attack. Photo: Reuters
The hospital after the attack. Photo: Reuters

“Today is an incredibly sad day for all Ukrainians,” 29-year-old Svitolina reiterated during her press conference.

“I just wanted to be in my room, just be there with my emotions, with everything.”

Wimbledon lifted its ban on Russian and Belarusian players last year, allowing them to compete as “neutral” athletes, a step back from the stance it took in 2022, a few months after the invasion began.

Svitolina says she feels guilty when she celebrates achievements on the field or experiences happiness in her life, adding that she has been “living with this feeling for more than two years”.

“I think many Ukrainians will share this feeling with me,” she said.

“We feel guilty that we feel happy or that we feel good. Not just because I'm in the quarterfinals of the grand slam, but in everything.

“Like, you go on vacation, you feel guilty because you're not in Ukraine. A lot of people can't leave the country. A lot of people are at war.”

Ukrainian Elina Svitolina burst into tears after his victory. Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters

Svitolina said she wanted to defend her performance against Chinese Wang at Wimbledon to give good news to the Ukrainians.

“Every Ukrainian uses their own way to raise awareness, raise money and help in every possible way,” she said.

“My path is through tennis,” she added. “Of course, I play such a great event as Wimbledon. I also have to think about how I can use that in a way for the Ukrainian people.”

“My victory today was at least a small ray of hope that brought a happy moment to the Ukrainian people.”

Elina Svitolina wore a black ribbon during her fourth round match at Wimbledon. Photo: AP
Elina Svitolina wore a black ribbon during her fourth round match at Wimbledon. Photo: AP

Svitolina will play fourth-seeded and title favourite Elena Rybakina, who moved from Russia to Kazakhstan six years ago, in the next round.

Svitolina refuses to shake hands with Russian and Belarusian players at the end of a match, but will do so with Rybakina without any problems, the Ukrainian said today.




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