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ITTF World Master Table Tennis: more than 6,000 athletes from 110 countries at the start of the championship

ITTF World Master Table Tennis: more than 6,000 athletes from 110 countries at the start of the championship
ITTF World Master Table Tennis: more than 6,000 athletes from 110 countries at the start of the championship


(PRIMAPRESS) – ROME – Until Sunday 14th July, Rome will be the capital of table tennis with over 6,100 athletes from 110 countries and 5 continents, including those currently in conflict: Ukraine, Russia, Palestine and Israel, to play the ITTF World Master Table Tennis at the Fiera di Roma. The Master, reserved for those over forty, will see the active participation of those over ninety and a centenarian American of Chinese descent. Last night, the spectacular and exciting opening ceremony officially kicked off the ITTF World Masters Table Tennis Championships Rome 2024 – presented by Stag Global, in front of five thousand spectators at the Nuova Fiera di Roma.
That evening, the President of the International Table Tennis Federation, Petra Srling, and the President of the Italian Table Tennis Federation, Renato Di Napoli, were present on stage. For me – said President Di Napoli – it is a great emotion to be on this stage at the opening ceremony of the Masters World Championships and a great pride to see so many people present. I have the pleasure of welcoming everyone on behalf of the Italian Table Tennis Federation to this event, which, as you know, is the most attended table tennis event in history and also the largest sporting event ever held in Italy. The numbers of 6,100 athletes, coming from 110 countries on five continents, are truly impressive and I am very happy to have you all here in Rome, in our wonderful capital. I am grateful to the International Federation and its President Petra Srling for the renewed confidence in us, after the success of the 2022 European Masters Championships in Rimini. I would also like to thank the political and sporting institutions for the support they have guaranteed us, which shows the great attention they have for us, the sponsors, first and foremost the title sponsor Stag, and the partners. The work that has brought us this far has been enormous and my thoughts cannot fail to go out to the Organising Committee, chaired by lawyer Giancarlo Guarino, to the director of the event Giuseppe Marino, to the federal staff, to the volunteers, to the referees and to all those who have worked together for a long time to achieve success. More than 40 athletes will take part and the player with the most experience is about to pass the 100-year mark. We will therefore have several generations of fans of our sport on the court and these World Cups are the best demonstration of how table tennis is truly for everyone. Cohesion and inclusivity are other key concepts, since it has been decided to open the event to Paralympic athletes as well. I hope you all enjoy our sport and find the opportunity to spend a great week with your family and friends. In your free time, you can visit beauties that are part of the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the world. We will do everything we can to make your stay in Rome unforgettable. Happy World Championships to all and long live table tennis. President Srling expressed her great pleasure to be here with all of you, gathered in Rome, the Eternal City, for this prestigious event. With over 6,000 players, this is the largest attendance our sport has ever had for an event! As President of the International Table Tennis Federation, I am very honoured to witness the culmination of our collective efforts and so many table tennis players from all corners of the world. Once again, we are all here for the sport we love, to reconnect with old friends and create new bonds with other players. The transformation of the Veterans World Championships into the Masters World Championships represents an important milestone in our ongoing journey. This is not just a name change, but a reaffirmation of our commitment to making table tennis accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages. I want to give a big round of applause to our oldest participant, who is 99 years old, Mrs. Wa Yuet Yu from the United States. By embracing the concept of 'Masters', we honor our players and our sport as a lifelong pursuit. Table tennis for everyone and for life! Whether you are a seasoned Masters champion or a newcomer to the scene, whether you come from Rome or another continent, whether you play table tennis or para-table tennis, you are an integral part of our global table tennis family and we welcome you here! During this championship, I encourage you to embrace the values ​​of fair play, respect and teamwork that are at the heart of our sport. – (PRIMAPRESS)




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