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England cricketer James Vince's home attacked, shocking CCTV footage emerges – Watch

England cricketer James Vince's home attacked, shocking CCTV footage emerges – Watch


England cricketer and Hampshire captain James Vince has launched a public appeal following the ongoing attacks on his property, which have forced his family to flee their hometown of Southampton. For almost eight years, Vince and his family enjoyed the peace of their home in a village east of Southampton. That peace was shattered earlier this year when Vince's home and vehicles were targeted in two shocking attacks, forcing the family to flee and live in fear. The first attack occurred in the early hours of April 15. Vince, 33, has spoken of the terrifying experience: My wife and I were woken up suddenly by a lot of crashing noises and alarms going off. We had no idea what was going on and it was obviously very unnerving, so we rushed to get the children to make sure they were safe. They were very frightened,” Vince told The Telegraph.

By the time police arrived, the attackers were gone, leaving a trail of destruction. A neighbor reported seeing a car drive away from the scene.

The damage to the cars and the house was extensive, forcing the family to temporarily relocate while repairs were made. Security cameras and alarms were installed, but the sense of security was irreparably damaged.

Less than a week after he got home, Vince's worst fears were realized when he had a second attack on May 1st. This time he was still awake upstairs. That meant I was able to get downstairs pretty quickly and have a better sense of what was going on. It wasn't a surprise either, because it had happened before. I think they saw the activity in the house and left quickly, he explained.

The attackers used rocks and again smashed windows of both the cars and the house. Vince detailed how the family had just returned from a charity dinner for his teammate Chris Wood when the attack took place around midnight.

The incidents have left Vince and the authorities confused. Despite extensive investigations by police, private security personnel, and intelligence agencies, no clear motive has emerged. Vince remains convinced that the attacks are a case of mistaken identity. All the experts we have spoken to say it appears to be a money issue, unpaid debts or something, Vince said. We have nothing to hide and know that we have never been involved in anything like this before. We just desperately want this to stop.

Footage from the new security cameras has provided some clues. It shows a man with a torch passing rocks over a wall to another man, who then throws them at the house and cars. The second man was wearing a hoodie with a Gym King logo and had his face covered. This, Vince hopes, could be a key piece of information in identifying the perpetrators.

The attacks happened to occur on days when Hampshire had home games, adding another layer of mystery. Despite the increased security measures, the family remains on edge, fearing a third attack. “We don't want to risk the same thing happening again,” Vince said. “It's not fair that my wife or children have to go through this again.”

The emotional toll on the family has been enormous, particularly on Vince's young children. Something like this is hugely disruptive to our lives, particularly for our children, who are understandably affected and upset by the situation. Having said that, I am amazed and immensely proud of how they have dealt with it. We have had a great deal of support locally and from the cricket community, Vince said.

The family have now turned to the public for help, hoping that someone will recognise the attackers or have information that could solve the mystery. If anyone knows anything, or sees anything in the footage of the attack that could lead to something, please contact us or Hampshire Police. It could be the last piece of information we need to find out what is happening and get our lives back to normal, Vince urged.

Hampshire Police confirmed the incidents, stating: Two incidents of criminal damage at an address in the early hours of April 15 and May 11. In both cases, two cars were damaged and the front room windows were smashed.

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