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Wildcat receives $ 2,000 scholarship from LA Kings High School Hockey League – Santa Clarita Valley Signal


West Ranch hockey player Logan Resendez has spent a lot of time volunteering, particularly with the SNAP Flyers, a special needs hockey team based in Valencia.

The goal was to teach players in the SNAP organization about hockey, but Resendez ended up learning a few things from a particular player named Jeffery.

You could see that he was doing his best and that he was having so much fun there and it really made me work harder at school and on the ice said Resendez. And just try to be a more balanced person in my community. He taught me to keep going and never give up. You can really do whatever you think.

As a result of his hard work in the community in addition to on the ice and in the classroom, Resendez received the LA Kings High School Hockey League Graduate Scholarship, a scholarship from $ 2,000 that he can use at the college of his choice.

The scholarship was based on a written essay submitted by Resendez, who described all of his volunteer, hockey and school efforts.

I'm just very honored that they chose me from all the Kings League seniors who applied, he said. It is a lot of money and I am really happy to be able to devote it to my university career.

Resendez said he had limited his academic choices to the state of Michigan, the University of Utah, and the state of San Diego and planned to specialize in aeroscience engineering no matter where he went.

He maintained an average of 4.0 GPA throughout the four years of high school and received royal recognition from the Royal Leagues each season for his hard work in class.

Resendez said playing in the Kings League helped him maintain good grades and be a balanced student-athlete. He played for the Santa Clarita Cobras his first year at Hart High School, then for West Ranch after transferring his second year.

MORE: West Ranch Hockey Honors Sebastien Bash Gallegos

It was cool to be involved in something where the school knows who they are and who supports the sport, said Resendez about hockey for the Wildcats. It's like football, just a different season. It allowed me to put all my energy into hockey and to think long term, it really helped me.

One of his best memories at West Ranch came in his first season with the program. The Cats played the Santa Barbara Royals, a team that had never been beaten in the history of the program. West Ranch forced the match to extend and Resendez was able to put it away with the winning goal.

It has been great for all the relationships I have established along the way and I would not trade them for nothing, with teammates, coaches, new friends, he said. It is definitely an experience that I will never forget. "

Whether Resendez scores or helps other hockey players like Jeffery reach theirs is an obvious choice for a scholarship like the LA Kings League has awarded him.

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