Blog shares Dev Focus for update
EA College Football 25 looks set to be a smashing success, both critically and, I suspect, financially. It would be a shock if it wasn't the best-selling game released in July.
We're waiting for the numbers to confirm that, but we know the game is a 88 Metacritic score on PlayStation 5I reviewed it here.
Recently, EA has posted the planned post-launch updateswhich will ultimately affect all functions in the game.
Below is an overview of the aspects we focus on.
Improved accuracy with grids and similarities
According to EA, some teams’ rosters contain inaccuracies and multiple likenesses need to be updated. These types of issues are to be expected with so many players in the game. It will be interesting to see how deeply the team goes into correcting likenesses for players across the country.
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I wanted to know if there would be any updates to the roster, and EA confirmed that the first updates would come around the start of the college football season, which begins on August 24.
That's a long time, and many of us may be two or three seasons into our dynasty mode by then, but it'll still be good to see the rosters refreshed.
Another question I had was if we would see player ratings go up and down. EA confirmed that in their recent note to users as well.
This is excellent news because it makes the product a living, breathing addition to the real sport.
Presentation solutions
The EA team is aware of incorrect commentary and missing chants for some schools, and this is on their radar, but it is unclear when all of these issues will be resolved.
All fixes could be part of a patch released at the start of the season.
Dynasty mode is the mode that causes the most problems for some users. It is certainly playable offline, but many users have problems entering and setting up online dynasties.
Within dynasty, the Super Sim logic needs some fine-tuning. Far too many Cinderella teams make it to the national championship. I saw a Fresno State vs. Washington national championship in one of my sims.
EA announced immediate plans to address these issues. A fix should resolve the issue of users entering online dynasties, but some in the comments section of EA's blog have reported more issues since the fix was implemented.
Road to Glory Check-In and Patch Preview
Road to Glory gets the least criticism and complaints. Users find it challenging to succeed as a quarterback, especially when playing as a two-star athlete.
I can attest to the difficulty in that part of the game, but I embrace the challenge as I log some pretty awful games in my college career.
Stay tuned for more information on upcoming fixes and a full overview of the patch notes once they are released.
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