2024 Tennis Olympics: Draws, Dates, History and Everything You Need to Know | ATP Tour
![2024 Tennis Olympics: Draws, Dates, History and Everything You Need to Know | ATP Tour 2024 Tennis Olympics: Draws, Dates, History and Everything You Need to Know | ATP Tour](
Olympic Games in Paris
2024 Tennis Olympics: Draws, Dates, History and Everything You Need to Know
All about the Olympic tennis tournament in Paris, France
July 24, 2024
![Roland Garros is the venue for the tennis tournament at the Paris Olympics.](
AFP/Getty Images
Roland Garros is the venue for the tennis tournament at the Paris Olympics.
By ATP staff
Tennis' history at the Summer Olympics dates back to its inclusion at the first Olympic Games in 1896. Despite being dropped in 1924 due to regulatory disputes, it returned as a full-fledged medal sport in 1988. This marks the importance of the Olympics in the eyes of tennis professionals, with Olympic gold in tennis being considered a coveted accolade.
The 2024 Paris Olympics promise an exciting week of tennis, with the world's best tennis players competing for this priceless reward.
Here's what you need to know before the tournament:
What are the dates for tennis at the Olympics?
The tennis tournament at the 2024 Paris Olympics will begin with the opening matches on July 27, the day after the opening ceremony, and will last until August 4, when the final medal matches will take place, including the men's gold medal match.
What does the tennis program at the Olympic Games look like?
Following the Opening Ceremony for the Paris Olympics on Friday, July 26, play begins on Saturday, July 27 with first-round matches in the men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles and women's doubles. Play begins each day at 12:00.
The first medal matches — for mixed doubles gold, silver and bronze, men's doubles bronze and women's singles bronze — will be played on Friday, August 2. The men's singles bronze medal match and the men's doubles final will be played on Saturday, August 3, and the men's singles gold medal match will be played on Sunday, August 4.
What is the format of the Paris Olympic Tennis Games? What are the sizes of the Olympic Tennis draws?
The Paris Olympics have draws for singles, doubles and mixed doubles, with players able to participate in multiple draws. The format is single elimination, with singles draws consisting of 64 players, doubles draws consisting of a draw size of 32 and mixed doubles consisting of 16 pairs. Players who reach the semi-finals of their draw compete for a medal, and players who lose in the semi-finals compete for the bronze medal match.
Which tennis players are participating in the Olympic Games?
The Olympics will feature a host of tennis’ elite. Italy’s Jannik Sinner, No. 1 on the PIF ATP rankings, and Wimbledon champion Carlos Alcaraz will both be making their Olympic debuts. Germany’s reigning Olympic champion Alexander Zverev will be looking to win his second gold medal, while Serbia’s Novak Djokovic will be looking to win his first – an elusive feat among his tennis accolades. The focus will be on Britain’s two-time Olympic champion Andy Murray, who recently announced his retirement after the Paris Olympics.
When are the draws for the Olympic tennis tournament?
The draw for the Olympic tennis tournament will take place on Thursday, July 25 at 11:00 am.
Which countries participate in the Olympic Tennis Games?
Players representing 40 nations will compete in tennis at the Paris Olympics. Each nation may nominate up to four singles players per gender, as well as two doubles teams per event, with a maximum of six players per gender for each nation. In addition to strong teams representing the USA, Italy and Spain, players from Egypt, Montenegro and Colombia will compete at the Olympics. Lebanon will make its tennis debut at the Olympics with Benjamin Hassan in the men's singles.
How do players qualify for the Olympics?
Qualification is largely based on ranking, with higher-ranked players given priority to represent their country at the Olympics. The top 56 singles players (no more than four per country) are given automatic entry should they wish to compete, with the remaining eight spots given to winners or finalists of continental competitions in the Americas, Asia and Africa, as well as a universal spot and spots reserved for Olympic or Grand Slam champions who did not qualify via other criteria.
Where is tennis played during the Olympic Games?
The matches will be held at the Stade Roland Garros in Paris, usually the venue for the French Open Grand Slam. The courts will be Roland Garros’ signature red clay courts, a shift from the hard courts used at the last Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Who won the last edition of the Olympic Games in 2021?
Alexander Zverev won the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics with a 6-3, 6-1 victory over Karen Khachanov in the championship match. Nikola Mektic and Wesley Koolhof won the doubles trophy in Tokyo with a 6-4, 3-6, 10-6 victory over Marin Cilic and Ivan Dodig. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Andrey Rublev won the mixed doubles with a 6-3, 6-7(5), 13-11 victory over Elena Vesnina and Aslan Karatsev.
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