Local hockey player drafted by Boston Bruins


BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. Elliot Groenewold, a Bellows Falls native and local student-athlete and son of David and Suzanne Groenewold of Springfield, was recently drafted by the Boston Bruins in the fourth round of the 2024 National Hockey League (NHL) draft. Groenewold is a left-handed defenseman.
Elliot has always dreamed of playing in the NHL, like many young hockey players, Suzanne Groenewold said in a recent interview. He is extremely dedicated to his sport and has rarely missed a practice or game in his career. He has worked extremely hard to improve his game and maintains a strict training schedule year-round.
Elliot's hockey life began at age 3, when he learned to skate while his two older brothers played local youth hockey for the Pleasant Valley Hockey Association (PVA) in Saxtons River. He enrolled in coach Mike Snides' “learn to play” program and got started, playing for the PVA teams' mini-mites and mite programs.
At age 10, Elliot participated in additional offseason tournaments, connecting with and playing for the New Hampshire Avalanche (Hooksett, NH) and the Manchester (NH) Flames. During his time with the Avalanche, Elliot was allowed to play at Boston's TD Garden between Bruins game periods as part of their Three Minutes of Fame program.
While attending Bellows Falls Middle School, Elliot played for the Top Gun organization (Salem, NH) in the Eastern Hockey League and also began competing in international tournaments with Legacy Sports in Exeter, NH. He had the privilege of traveling to play hockey in the Czech Republic, Italy and France.
Groenewold attended high school and played hockey at Bishops College School, a private school in Quebec, Canada. He decided to play NCAA Division I college hockey at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut.
After high school, Elliot was drafted by the Cedar Rapids Roughriders of the United States Hockey League and had five goals and 16 points in 57 games, good numbers for the young defenseman. Elliot also had the honor of playing for Team USA at the World Junior A Challenge in Canada, where USA won silver.

On June 28, Groenewold took the next big step in fulfilling his lifelong dream of playing in the NHL when his favorite team, the Boston Bruins, selected him in the fourth round (110e pick overall) in this year's NHL draft in Las Vegas. The Bruins had previously shown interest in Elliot, even making a deal to move up in the draft to select him.
Our family traveled to Las Vegas for the draft knowing Elliot would be drafted in the third or fourth round, Suzanne added. The Bruins asked for one more meeting on the day of the draft, and Elliot left that meeting feeling really good, but nothing was guaranteed.
As life long Bruins fans the family was so excited when his name was called for the Bruins. The Bruins put on the jersey with his name on the back and he was taken to meet the management team and the media. Our family was invited to a reception to welcome him to the organization and we met Don Sweeney [Bruins general manager]before leaving for the team's development camp that same evening.
In a recent interview, Groenewold expressed his enthusiasm and gratitude as he prepares for his upcoming academic year at Quinnipiac University.
When I heard my name being called, special by the Bruins, it was just an incredible feeling…it was surreal, Elliot said. We had talked to the Bruins last year, so I knew they were interested in me, but then I met with them the day before the draft and I felt really good after that meeting.
The Bruins development camp was just a great experience. You do some testing, I got to work with the strength and conditioning coach, they tell you what your strengths and weaknesses are and what you need to work on, it was just a great learning experience for me. So from here, I’m going to work with my college team all summer to get ready for my freshman season, and then we’ll see how it goes.
Hopefully Elliot continues to grow in the hockey world so that one day he can extend his Three Minutes of Fame on the ice at TD Garden when he was 10.
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