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Alternatives to avoiding a football dispute between the Kentucky Derby and Kentucky


Only a week after the widespread sports cancellations resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, a postponement creates conflict for the Kentuckians.

Tuesday morning officials from Churchill Downs announced that they had delayed the Kentucky Derby 146 until September 5, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. It is the first time that the longest sporting event in America has been held outside of May since World War II. It also falls on the opening Saturday of college football season when the University of Kentucky is about to host Eastern Michigan at Kroger Field.

The NBC television contract with the race played a role in the choice of this new date. Although it creates conflict for almost all college football teams in America, NBC's college football responsibilities began the week before when Notre Dame traveled to Ireland to play the Navy in week zero. From their point of view, the opening date of Notre-Dame on Labor Day weekend is the ideal solution. This is the worst type of crisis for the Kentuckians.

Mark Stoops and the rest of the athletics department marketed the Kentucky football team this fall as a team capable of taking the program to new heights. "Atlanta" was launched quite loosely, although the UK has never attended a SEC championship game. They believe this year could be the year. The UK cannot afford to open this season with a lackluster crowd at Kroger Field.

Many of you who read this think, "Who cares about the Derby? It's Kentucky football! "While some may not understand why Derby is such a big deal, many horse racing fans can say the same for Kentucky football.

Personally, it's like asking a parent to choose which child is their favorite. If I had to do it, I would pick the one that the Kentucky Derby ran in the fall in a British football game that will result in a five touchdown victory.

The University of Kentucky does not want to force Kentuckians to choose between one or the other. If 150,000 people decide to go to the Derby, it will be difficult to find 60,000 other people who want to go to Kroger Field. The administration will take steps to ensure that there is no conflict between the two events. Here are the five most likely options.

1. Thursday evening in the UK Football

Since the creation of the SEC network, Thursday evening of the opening weekend, a prime time match has been presented. It all started with South Carolina and Texas A&M. Since then, he has moved away from SEC clashes, replaced by Texas A&M against opponent FCS. Sorry, but Kentucky in some MACtions is exponentially more intriguing than A&M against Abilene Christian.

Louisville will host N.C. State in what will likely be a national ESPN television show after racing fans have spent a day in Thurby a few blocks away. Even if the four-letter network probably wants to avoid two Kentucky football games on the opening night, they can group it into a single event.

2. Friday Night UK Football

Nobody wants to have to interfere with football in high school, but you have to do what you have to do.

3. Kick-off after Derby

Even if "UK vs Eastern Michigan" shouts the midday kickoff on the SEC network, it offers the best television experience. Even if the same company does not broadcast the two events, in an ideal television setting, a Kentuckian watches the Derby around 6:30 am ET, then sees the Cats start their season an hour later.

4. Sunday UK Football

If I were the omnipotent scheduler of college football games, that would be the choice. For a decade, Labor Day Sunday weekend has been dedicated to the Governor's Cup. Around the same time that the game was moved to the season finale, ESPN moved away from a full list of games this Sunday. Instead, college football fans are force-fed for three consecutive days and then left to dry with just one Sunday and Monday evening. There is no NFL football so there should be college football. Give fans what they want.

This is the last thing Mark Stoops wants: a short week before a major road trip in Florida. For that reason alone, I highly doubt that we will see Kentucky play on a Sunday.

5. Kick-off at noon and night races

This Kentucky Derby will be like no other. Why not get on the skid and run the race in prime time?

Horses are at their best when they follow a familiar training regimen. The coaches prefer not to disturb the usual creatures, but it is already too late. The race takes place four months later than initially planned. Why not capitalize on the quirk by pushing back the start time by three hours?

Instead of the first message around noon, Churchill begins racing at 3 p.m. By the time the crowd sings "My Old Kentucky Home," the entire indoor track and field will be illuminated as people plug in across the country for 9:30 p.m. ET running the Kentucky Derby. If the show can continue as planned on September 5, a night of racing would give the cats enough time to defeat EMU and create a unique opportunity at Churchill Downs.

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