What better way to kick off South Asian Heritage Month for Middlesex in The Community than by joining members of the Muslim community at Hounslow Jamia Masjid last weekend to celebrate the Eid al-Adha Mela with a display of cricket activities?
With over 1,000 visitors attending the Eid Mela in the Mosque car park, this was another great platform for the club to connect with the local Hounslow community through our fun cricket activation zone, featuring a range of cricket activities for both children and adults, delivered by the Middlesex in the Community team.
In addition to the activation zone, there was also a Middlesex match ticket giveaway, with nine lucky winners winning up to five tickets to Middlesex v Somerset in the Metro Bank One-Day Cup match at Lords on Sunday 11e This August will be the first visit for many to the Home of Cricket.
In addition to the cricket activities, the day of celebration saw a number of other family activities including a mini funfair for the adrenaline junkies, traditional henna hand painting, numerous stalls selling clothing and gifts and a delicious selection of mouth-watering homemade biryanis and other traditional South Asian dishes for guests to feast on.
The cricket activation zone proved very popular with both children and adults, who took part in intense, competitive one-handed, one-bounce games.
Callum Millar, Assistant Partnership Manager at Middlesex in the Community, said of the successful event:
It was great to be back at Hounslow Jamia Masjids Eid Mela for the second year running. The event is well attended by the local community and is a great opportunity for us to give those community members the chance to play cricket in an environment that they are familiar with and comfortable with.
It was great to see people enjoying themselves in the activation zone and by giving away tickets to a Middlesex match at Lords we increased the engagement with us and gave many people the chance to watch a match at the Home of Cricket for the first time.
Shafiq Rehman, General Secretary of Hounslow Jamia Masjid, added:
Hounslow Jamia Masjid would like to thank Middlesex in the Community and all the coaches who came to the Eid Mela event to provide a fun cricket match for the children. This is truly a great initiative to connect cricket with our community.
Mash Mehter, Middlesex in the Community Partnership Manager for Diverse Communities, commented on the successful event:
Hounslow Jamia Masjid is the heart of the local Muslim community and we were delighted to be part of this wonderful community celebration.
It was great to see so many people of all ages taking part in the cricket activation zone and it was great to see so many young children laughing as they played the game.
It’s seeing children enjoying themselves that makes our role in MiTC so rewarding when we’re out in the communities around Middlesex delivering our sessions, and the fact that some of the children who joined in at the weekend were experiencing cricket for the first time made it even more enjoyable. You leave at the end of the day feeling like you’ve done a great job and really helped to make a difference.
We would like to thank everyone at the Hounslow Jamia Masjid for allowing us to be with them on their special day and for allowing us to host our cricket session in the mosque.
Although we may see the mosque as an unconventional cricket environment, for local Muslims it is the heart of their community. The fact that we can deliver our sessions where the local community feels comfortable and at ease makes a real difference.
We look forward to continuing to work with community groups and places of worship, such as Hounslow Mosque, as we reach out to all communities across Middlesex in our quest to make cricket a sport for all.
It has been a pleasure to work with Hounslow Jamia Masjid since they became one of our main delivery centres and we look forward to hosting many more successful cricket matches with them and their community members in the years to come.
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