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The 10 Smallest Questions Facing Texas A&M Football This Season

The 10 Smallest Questions Facing Texas A&M Football This Season



You’ll see a lot of articles that will focus on the biggest questions Texas A&M will face in Mike Elko’s first season at the helm. Will the offensive scheme maximize the talent? Will the offensive line be serviceable? Will they be able to live up to expectations and avoid the portal exodus of previous seasons? These are all valid questions that deserve discussion.

But I’m told there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so instead of focusing on the big questions like everyone else, I wanted to answer the smallest ones. Sometimes my favorite part of college football is the details that most people don’t even pay attention to, so let’s dive into the biggest questions we really DON’T want answered this fall (but I’d still like them answered).

Will A&M wear an alternate uniform?

Under Jimbo Fisher, Texas A&M’s approach to uniforms was almost painfully simplistic. Outside of the 1998 throwback he wore his freshman year (and which was almost certainly in the works before he arrived), the Aggies essentially stuck with a standard home and away uniform and that was it. No back-and-forths, no variation in helmet/jersey/pants combinations, nothing.

Especially after the bizarre uniforms of the Kevin Sumlin era, a little simplification was in order, but it feels like they went a little too far in the other direction. There's probably a balance between the two, and as Mike Elko pointed out, that's probably where the Ags end up.

Will Jahdae Walker Introduce a New Touchdown Celebration?

Jahdae broke the Aggie internet when he (and Ainias Smith) did the Jubi Slide after his touchdown catch against Mississippi State. Will he make this his signature touchdown celebration, or will he show us something new? Here's what only I want to know.

How often do we hear from the coordinators?

Under Jimbo Fisher, we basically heard from coordinators at the beginning of the season and maybe once in the spring and that was it. Mike Elko even joked in his introductory press conference as head coach about how he had been here four years earlier and barely spoke to the media. Will that change now? How often will reporters (and fans) hear from OC Collin Klein and DC Jay Bateman?

Some people will say that it doesn't matter at all whether or not we hear from the coordinators during the season, and they're right.

What do A&M Ultraboosts look like?


Team-branded sneakers are a staple in the lead-up to every college football season. Recent iterations have been on the Ultraboost 1.0 silhouette, but we've also seen Adidas do team-branded versions on the newest iteration of the shoe (this year it's the Ultraboost 5XWHICH DIRECTION WILL THEY GO?!?!

When does A&M leave for away games?

Jimbo Fisher infamously had the team leave for away games on Thursday (almost every other team doesn’t leave until Friday). Considering the team hasn’t won an away game since 2021, this is clearly a decision that is crucial to Mike Elko’s tenure in Aggieland. Our (fictional) sources will be keeping a close eye on this situation.

Which random Kyle Field resident are we going to idolize next?


We have had batsthe Kyle Field Tomato, War gracklea possum, 12th Man Jesus, rally baby and many others over the years that have become well-known among the Aggie fan base, and have become unofficial mascots in various seasons. Will we see one this year? God willing.

What can we complain about the team inflow?

Many Aggies are still in an uproar over the decision to no longer use Kanye West's power play as the team's opening song (and the similar sounding song that was used to replace it). Will the entrance change in 2024 or will it remain the same? Does this matter? Not at all. Am I overthinking this? You're damn right, I am.

Who will be the next 12th man?

COLLEGE FOOTBALL: OCT 29 Ole Miss at Texas A&M

Photo by John Rivera/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

Sam Matthews set the bar high for the next 12th Man. He played on special teams all year and started the Texas Bowl at safety, making an interception.

What does the team wear when they get off the bus?

Kevin Sumlin had the team in warmups/sweatshirts. Jimbo had them in suits. Neither seemed to make a tangible difference, so what will Mike Elko do? At Duke, Elko had the team in warmups, but maybe he’ll go in a different direction. Maybe business casual, maybe even full uniform? Maybe something cool new that I don’t even know about yet, the sky’s the limit!

Who will be the host choice for A&M's College Gameday, which opens the season against Notre Dame?

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Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images

Comedian Shane Gillis has already confirmed that he will be attending the Aggies' season opener against the Fighting Irish, but that's because he has a Our lady fan. There are also reports that College Football Playoff Executive Director Richard Clark will be in townAnyway, it'll probably be The Chainsmokers again, for some reason.


Which of these questions would you be LEAST interested in having answered:

  • 4%

    Alternative uniforms

    (17 votes)

  • 4%

    Jahdaes TD celebration

    (18 votes)

  • 3%

    Hearing of coordinators

    (14 votes)

  • 24%

    New Ultraboost Sneakers

    (91 votes)

  • 7%

    Departure day of the away match

    (28 votes)

  • 16%

    The lonized Kyle Field resident

    (61 votes)

  • 12%

    Team bus clothing

    (45 votes)

  • 18%

    Gameday Guest Selector

    (69 votes)

367 votes in total

Vote now




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