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Match Reports Week 23 – Munster Cricket

Match Reports Week 23 – Munster Cricket
Match Reports Week 23 – Munster Cricket


Date: September 8, 2024

In a thrilling encounter at Croker's Oval, United Cricket Clonmel 1st XI triumphed over Limerick Blasters CC 2nd XI by a narrow margin of 12 runs in the MCU Division 2 A One Day match. This victory was marked by significant contributions from both teams, but ultimately it was the impressive performance of Vijay Prabhakar And Shoaib Khan who helped Clonmel secure victory.

First innings: United Cricket Clonmel 1st XI

Batting first, United Cricket Clonmel posted a competitive total of 204 runs for the loss of 7 wickets in their allotted 40 overs. The innings was built around a solid contribution Prabhakar And Ahmad Hassan Qamarwho built a crucial partnership to stabilize their team at various points.

From Prabhakar innings was crucial as he scored an unbeaten 60 runs, showing great technique in tackling the Limerick Blasters bowlers. Qamar also made headlines and made a quick contribution 44 runsincluding three boundaries and three sixes which boosted the team's momentum towards the end of their innings.

The excellent effort of David Filip (2/40) and Varughese (2/54) helped Limerick Blasters restrict the scoring somewhat, but Clonmel's aggressive approach proved too effective, eventually leaving them with a total of 204.

Second Innings: Limerick Blasters CC 2nd XI

Limerick Blasters started well with a target of 205 but struggled to maintain their momentum against a disciplined bowling attack. Early wickets fell due to tight bowling from Shoaib Khanwho removed Arunraj Thalappilly And Shiju Chako in quick succession. Binil Joy added a solid 42 before being bowled.

There was resistance from Arun Mohanwho led the innings with a commendable 45 runs before succumbing to Philip Simson FrancisBut as the wickets continued to fall, the Limerick Blasters began to lose their grip on the chase.

At 187/8 the match was in the balance when Babar Ali burst onto the scene with an impressive run, taking two wickets for just 20 runs and providing crucial breakthroughs that ultimately turned the match in Clonmel's favour.

Highlights of the match:

  • Babar Ali: 2 wickets for 20 runs; key player in Limerick's innings collapse.
  • Shoaib Khan: Remarkable bowling performance, took 3 wickets for 36 runs, crucial in dismantling the top order.
  • Prabhakar: Top scorer for Clonmel with 60 runs, an important innings in building their total.
  • Qamar: Added fast runs with 47, creating a strategic platform for a challenging total.

Date: September 8, 2024
Location: The Mardyke, Cork
Result: Limerick CC 3rd XI won by 4 wickets

During an exciting meeting at The Mardyke, Cork, Limerick CC 3rd XI achieved a thrilling four-wicket victory over Cork County CC 3rd XIand were chasing a respectable target of 220 runs set by Cork in their innings. This result keeps Limerick's season aspirations alive as we approach the final weeks of the competition.

Cork County CC Innings

Cork County started their innings solidly, not losing a wicket until the score was 84 runs. But they suffered a disappointing collapse as they were restricted to 219 runslosing their last wicket in the 38th over. The star player for Cork County was Chappanda Practicewho attacks with a smooth 50 runs from just 37 ballsincluding 5 fours and 2 sixes. His dismissal by Mohit Malik marked the start of a downward spiral for Cork as wickets fell at regular intervals despite contributions from the top and middle order of Girish Khot (27) and Rahul Sethi (30). The last four batters managed to contribute just 16 runs as the innings ended prematurely after 38 overs.

Limericks' attack proved difficult to break down, with crucial wickets being taken throughout the innings, with Darshan Dwarakanath, Mohit Malik And Mohammed Ammar Alam Shah and each claimed two scalps.

Limerick CC innings

Chasing a target of 220, Limerick CC 3rd XI began their innings in almost immediate turmoil. The first wicket fell in the third over, with only 13 runs on the board. 13-1 became 13-2, and then 34-3 in the seventh over. Vinaykumar Nagaraju added a stubborn 40 before being bowled by youth player Mark Donnelly.

It was the middle order that turned the match in Limerick's favour, led by a brilliant unbeaten 84 from Waqas Mehmoodbetter than a run per ball. He was ably supported by Prajapati And jeevankrishna, And Mohit Malik was there at the end with Waqa's to secure the win in the 37th over.

MCU Division 3B One Day 40 Overs September 7, 2024

Castlelands Cricket Ground, Lismore

Lismore CC 1st XI 331 Clare CC 3rd XI135

Result: Lismore CC 1st XI won by 196 runs

Clare 3rd XI travelled to Lismore CC on Saturday for their scheduled 40 over match. The visitors won the toss and promptly let the home side bat. Opener Manu Babu was the first to go after a solid 28.62-1 in the 8th over. Unfortunately for Clare his departure brought Guna Nanjappa to the fold, which proved to be the perfect counterpart to the dynamic Miguel Carolinawho hit a magnificent 122, peppered with eight boundaries and twelve sixes. The partnership totalled 127 runs before Nanjappa was caught off the bowling of Adeel Mukhtar for 73. At 189-2, the platform was set for a big innings.

The second half of the Lismore innings drew to a close, however, as a succession of single-figure scores rewarded the efforts of the Clare bowling unit. Only evergreen Nat Simcox provided some real resistance in the lower order, and stood firm with an unbeaten 18. The Lismore innings ended with a daunting 331, with just one ball of the allotted 40 overs remaining.

For the visitors, Ahsan Khan Jadoon was the standout bowler, with impressive figures of 4-41 from 6 overs. Adeel Mukhtar And Daniel Shams took 2 wickets each. 45 more runs made Sundries the fourth top scorer for Lismore.

After the break Clare went on the hunt for 332 for the win. They made a steady start and reached 23 before Daniel Shams became the first man to fall, 23-1, a great chance to Symcox at First Slip, a position he has made his own. Another 3 quick wickets proved a real setback as Clare tried to stabilise the innings. The arrival of Pritpal Singh Sahota to the crease gave a reprieve, as he made an excellent 28*. Sahota and Zari Waraich (24) formed an excellent partnership but when Waraich fell, Lismore's attack ran into Clare's tail, sparked by the rare achievement of a hat-trick to Manu Babu. 7-125, 8-125, 9-125 effectively ended the match as the visitors were all out in the 29th over. The winning margin was 196 runs.

Lismore bowling statistics: A creditable hat-trick from Manu. 2-0-12-3.

Michael Talbot 5-2-3-1 Editor's note: Michael's stats in this match are simply insane. 5 overs, 3 runs conceded, 1 wicket. He went for 0.6 runs per over. I've played against him several times and I attribute his success to his skill, tactical awareness and bright pink boots. It's a big distraction for the batsman.

Miguel Carolina scored a massive 122 to take Lismore to a big total

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