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Using tennis to combat mental health problems in young people | Local news

Using tennis to combat mental health problems in young people | Local news
Using tennis to combat mental health problems in young people | Local news


U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warns that the current youth mental health crisis is the “defining public health problem of our time.”

He's right. American adolescents are experiencing unprecedented levels of mental health problems.

Fortunately, there is a way to reverse these trends. I have spent my career studying the intersection of sports and mental health, including roles as Chief Medical Officer at NCAA, co-chair of the International Olympic Committee Consensus Meeting on Mental Health in Elite Athletes, and fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. . Sports can help children combat depression, become more resilient and find a strong sense of purpose.

Encouraging more kids to get involved in youth sports and especially tennis, which offers some unique benefits, could help solve the mental health crisis.

Children face shockingly high mental health rates. More than four in ten high school students report persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Sports provide an antidote. Participating in sports is linked to lower rates of depression and anxiety. This is especially true for girls. Girls who participate in sports experience up to 2.5 times less mental disorders than their inactive counterparts.

Sports help young people build their self-esteem. The ability to set goals of becoming faster, stronger or fitter and then working hard to achieve them provides a sense of satisfaction.

Tennis is uniquely equipped to help young Americans grow up mentally resilient. As president of the US Tennis Association, I have seen firsthand how the sport can connect individuals and open doors for those who might otherwise be left on the outside looking in.

Tennis has one of the lowest barriers to entry of any sport. Unlike other sports that require expensive equipment and a field full of players, all a child needs is a $20 racket, a few balls and a partner to get started. There are more than 250,000 tennis courts in the United States.

Tennis also promotes family bonding. People can play tennis well into their golden years, meaning parents and even grandparents can play with children. Research shows that rates of depression are lower among children who report a close relationship with their parents.

The sport also promotes stronger communities. Local clubs, tournaments and events create opportunities to connect. The USTA recreational league has 330,000 players from all backgrounds and walks of life. By encouraging intergenerational interaction and inclusivity, tennis promotes a sense of connection and shared purpose. Strong community cohesion is associated with positive mental health outcomes.

Tennis also has physical health benefits. Playing tennis three hours a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by more than 50 percent. Another long-term study found that tennis can extend your life up to ten years longer than any other sport.

Nelson Mandela, who used sport extensively to bring South Africa closer together, famously said: 'Sport has the power to change the world. It speaks to the youth in a language they understand. Sports can create hope where once there was only despair.”

We need that hope more than ever. For many children it can be found at their local court.

Dr. Brian Hainline is Chairman of the Board and President of the United States Tennis Association and recently moved from the NCAA as Chief Medical Officer. He co-chaired the International Olympic Committee consensus meetings on pain management in elite athletes and on mental health in elite athletes. Hainline is a clinical professor of neurology at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. This piece originally appeared in the Detroit News.




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