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The Black Field Cricket Season in North Texas

The Black Field Cricket Season in North Texas


Fall is here, and with it comes new creatures and critters. Cricket pests are among the most predictable pests in many parts of Texas this time of year.

According to Texas A&M Professor and Extension Urban Entomologist Dr. Michael KoopmanThe cricket species responsible for outbreaks in Texas have not been extensively studied, but most are part of the Gryllus is a similar complexcommonly known as black field crickets, or simply field crickets.

During the fall, crickets often become more active due to cool fronts. The largest outbreaks of cicadas usually occur after dry springs and summers. Although cicadas can be abundant any year, their numbers peak in August and September, when summer droughts are followed by rain and cooler temperatures.

The peak of crickets' mating flights typically lasts one to two weeks, but crickets remain active for several weeks until cold weather sets in.

Field crickets lay their eggs in the fall, about two weeks after the females mature and develop wings. They prefer firm, bare soil for egg laying, with each female able to lay between 150 and 400 eggs. These eggs remain in the ground all winter and hatch in the spring.

Prevention & Control

Outdoor lighting is the main cause of serious cricket infestations around homes and buildings. Brightly lit areas attract large numbers of crickets during the mating season in autumn. Reducing outdoor lighting is the first and most crucial step in controlling crickets. Crickets are particularly susceptible to entering through doors in brightly lit entrances and through cracks and openings around outdoor lighting. Making sure these areas are closed off can help keep the creatures out of homes.

During the cricket season, turn off outdoor lighting early or switch to less attractive options such as low-pressure sodium vapor lamps or yellow 'bug lamps'. Floodlights that are not necessary for security should be turned off or limited to a few hours per night.

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