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Cricket Wellington – Rainbow Communities

Cricket Wellington – Rainbow Communities
Cricket Wellington – Rainbow Communities


Cricket Wellington Pride Manifesto
The Cricket Wellington Pride Manifesto sets out our values ​​and vision to ensure we operate as a pride-friendly organisation.
Cricket Wellington is the regional body for cricket in Wellington and our values ​​are excellence, dedication, passion and teamwork. We support the rights of LBGTQIA+ MVPFAFF+ to participate freely in cricket as they are, and strive to create access and a welcoming space for all. We recognize that participation in sport and physical activity has physiological, social and emotional benefits for everyone, and that participation in sport is essential for well-being.

  • We welcome people of different sexualities and gender identities. We show respect for people of all genders, by seeing them as they are, and by supporting, assisting and interacting with them in a considerate way.
  • We affirm the gender identity of all employees, volunteers and participants.
  • We recognize that we operate in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and that for Mori, diversity of gender, sex and sexuality is widely recognized and valued in Te Ao Mori. We recognize that cultural identity and rainbow identity are deeply connected. We affirm the gender identity of all Takatpui.
  • We respect that language is important and makes everyone feel valued and safe. We are committed to using inclusive language and will correct any errors in a timely manner.
  • We respect the privacy of LBGTQIA+ MVPFAFF+ people and will maintain confidentiality at all times. We will obtain consent as necessary, and for areas within our control, we will not subject people to additional and invasive requirements to determine eligibility and validity in gender-based categories.
  • We will not ignore or dismiss the concerns and challenges that LBGTQIA+ MVPFAFF+ people face while participating in cricket in Wellington. Where issues arise, we will address inappropriate behavior and share educational resources to promote inclusivity.
  • We understand that we won't always get it right. However, we will show a willingness to learn and affirm people so that they feel included. We recognize that we are responsible for our impact.

The manifesto was prepared and endorsed by the Cricket Wellington Pride Action Group.


An acronym that stands for lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and more diverse sexualities, genders and gender characteristics.
Lesbian A woman or gender diverse person who is exclusively attracted to women and identifies as such.
Bisexual A person who is sexually attracted to people of more than one gender, or their own and other genders.
Homo A person who is attracted to people of the same gender as themselves.
A term used to describe someone whose gender does not correspond to the sex or gender assigned to him or her at birth.
Foreign An umbrella term that encompasses various sexualities and genders.
Intersex A person born with natural variations in sex characteristics such as chromosomes, reproductive anatomy, sex organs, and hormones.
A person who experiences little to no sexual attraction and/or has no interest or desire in sexual relationships or activities.
An acronym used to encompass the diverse gender and sexuality expressions and roles in Pacific cultures. The acronym stands for mahu, vakasalewa, palopa, faafafine, akavaine, fakaleiti (leiti), fakafifine and more. Their meanings are best understood within their cultural context and may mean something different to each person.
Mahu (Tahiti/Hawaii), Vaka se lewa lewa (Fiji), Palopa (Papua New Guinea), Faafafine (Samoa), Aquarius (Cook Islands), Lady (Tongaan), Female (Newfoundland).
Rainbow An umbrella term, such as LGBTQIA+, that describes people of different sexualities, genders, and variations in gender characteristics.
Gender How we identify and describe ourselves based on the roles, expectations and assumptions into which we have been socialized. We are assigned a gender at birth based on our sexual characteristics, but not everyone's gender matches the gender they are assigned. Gender is understood differently in different cultures and throughout history.
The real world
Mori worldview
Takatpui A traditional Mori word that traditionally means intimate friend of the same sex. It has since been embraced to include all Mori people who identify with different genders, sexualities, or variations in gender characteristics. Takatpui indicates a spiritual and cultural connection with the past. It is best understood within cultural context and can mean something different to each person.

Definitions provided by Inside Out Karo, a national charity providing education, resources, advice and support for all things rainbow and taktapui communities. For more information, visit




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