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T-20 Tennis Cricket Tournament begins

T-20 Tennis Cricket Tournament begins
T-20 Tennis Cricket Tournament begins


From our correspondent

PASIGHAT, September 28: A T-20 tennis cricket tournament with the theme Save Wildlife for a Better Future, organized by Minggenam Sirum of Borguli village under Mebo sub-division of East Siang District with the participation of a total of 18 teams, commenced here on Thursday to raise mass awareness about wildlife and forests create conservation for a better and healthy human livable environment.

Daying Ering Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary Division DFO Kempi Ete, in his inaugural address as chief guest, said the department would make every effort to gain the confidence of the people, especially the fringe villages of the reserve, to achieve the goal.

She sought the support of every villager from Borguli to support the conservation and protection works and assured to give a set of volleyball nets and poles to the women's group of the village so that they could play to stay fit. Ete also sponsored prizes for the winners of the tournament.

Borguli TD Officer CK Chowpoo, who spoke as the guest of honour, made a similar plea to the GBs, villagers and Kiyit KGBV students, while Mebo ADC Sibo Passing advised the public to cooperate with the forest department to conserve the rich flora and fauna . He assured that he would resolve the boundary issue of the village with the shrine authority by finding out the geo-coordination of the boundary.

Referring to his home village of Roing in the Lower Dibang Valley district, where his ancestral land was merged under the Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary without public hearing, he said he had not fought with the department but referred to hunting-related accidents in which some of his relatives had suffered lost their lives to solve the problem. He said he has urged people to avoid hunting as wildlife and forest resources are rapidly declining due to the effects of global warming.

Borguli GB Bidesor Perme, Clean Borguli Chairman Kaling Tayeng and conservationist Horinath Tayeng also assured their support and urged the department to clear the boundary of the reserve and accommodate as many unemployed youths as possible in the reserve.

The opening match was played between the Borguli-B team and Kiyit Musup Yameng. In the opening match, Kiyit Musup Yameng team defeated Borguli-B by 35 runs. In the opening match, Dilen Saring of Kiyit Musup Yameng was named man of the match for taking 5 wickets and 8 runs. Out of Kiyit team's 95 runs, Borguli-B could only score 60 runs, while the next match was canceled due to heavy rain.




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