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Brilliant Max wins gold medal at WTT Youth Contender!

Brilliant Max wins gold medal at WTT Youth Contender!
Brilliant Max wins gold medal at WTT Youth Contender!


Max Radiven won his first WTT title at the WTT Youth Contender Batumi in Georgia, beating the top two seeds on his way to victory in the Under-15 Boys' Singles.

He became the fourth English youngster to win on the WTT circuit, and the oldest: Dimitar Dimitrov won at Under-11s and Abraham Sellado and Kacper Piwowar at Under-13s.

Fourth seed Sellado was also on the podium in Georgia after being defeated 11-9 in the fifth in the semifinals by second seed Berk Ostoprak of Turkey.

Fifth seed Radiven defeated Ostoprak 3-1 (11-8, 12-10, 4-11, 11-4) in the final to exact revenge on behalf of England and take the title. Earlier, he defeated top seed Khurshid Akhmedov of Uzbekistan 3-0 (11-9, 11-8, 13-11) in the semi-finals.

Kacper Piwowar was the third seed but entered the knockouts second in the group and met Ostoprak in the round of 16, losing in four games.

In the Under-17 Boys' Singles, all three English boys advanced again. Piwowar bowed out in the round of 16 at the hands of second seed Gorkem Ocal of Turkey, who went on to win the event.

Radiven and Sellado were both eliminated in the quarterfinals, Sellado by third seed Akhmedov and Radiven by top seed Ignas Sisanovas of Lithuania.

Abraham Sellado and Max Radiven


Singles for boys under 17
Qualification group 5

Artsiom Papkou (AIN) with Kacper Piwowar 3-2 (6-11, 7-11, 11-9, 11-8, 11-8)
Piwowar bt Ramazan Nazir (KAZ) 3-0 (11-5, 11-8, 11-3)

Qualification group 6
Abraham Sellado bt Aliaksandr Petrasheuski (AIN) 3-0 (11-4, 11-6, 11-4)
Sealed bt Davit Chedishvili (GEO) 3-1 (11-6, 6-11, 11-5, 11-2)

Qualification group 7
Max Radiven bt Arseni Rashchanka (AIN) 3-0 (11-7, 11-6, 11-5)
Radiven bt Tunar Baghirov (AZE) 3-0 (11-9, 11-4, 11-0)

Round of 32
Piwowar bt Martin Frizel (LTU) 3-0 (11-5, 12-10, 11-5)

Round of 16
Radive bt Daniil Vitorski (AIN) 3-2 (12-10, 7-11, 11-7, 9-11, 13-11)
Sealed by Arseni Rashchanka (AIN) 3-1 (11-6, 11-8, 9-11, 11-7)
Gorkem Ocal (TUR) bt Piwowar 3-0 (11-8, 11-8, 11-2)

Ignas Sisanovas (LTU) bt Radiven 3-1 (17-15, 7-11, 11-6, 11-9)
Khurshid Akhmedov (UZB) vs Sellado 3-1 (11-7, 9-11, 11-2, 11-6)

Singles for boys under 15 years old
Qualification group 3

Aliaksei Krot (AIN) with Kacper Piwowar 3-2 (8-11, 11-8, 4-11, 13-11, 11-9)
Piwowar bt Nikolozi Varazashvili (GEO) 3-0 (11-7, 11-3, 11-7)

Qualification group 4
Abraham Sealed with Sandro Kontselidze (GEO) 3-0 (11-2, 11-2, 11-6)
Sealed by Ali Seren (TUR) 3-1 (11-9, 8-11, 11-6, 11-5)

Qualification group 5
Max Radiven bt Daniil Lianets (AIN) 3-0 (11-1, 13-11, 11-3)
Radiven bt Davit Chedishvili (GEO) 3-1 (12-10, 11-9, 7-11, 11-6)

Round of 32
Piwowar bt Sanzhar Ibakhan (KAZ) 3-0 (11-7, 11-4, 11-6)

Round of 16
Radiven bt Nurdaulet Azamatuly (KAZ) 3-0 (11-4, 11-3, 11-4)
Sellado bt Nikoloz Chkhartishvili (GEO) 3-1 (11-9, 11-3, 9-11, 11-7)
Berk Oztoprak (TUR) bt Piwowar 3-1 (11-8, 11-7, 5-11, 11-7)

Radiven bt Aliaksei Krot (AIN) 3-0 (11-7, 11-2, 11-7)
Sellado bt Yhali Zagori (ISR) 3-0 (11-6, 11-8, 11-3)

Radiven bt Khurshid Akhmedov (UZB) 3-0 (11-9, 11-8, 13-11)
Berk Oztoprak (TUR) bt Sellado 3-2 (11-4, 6-11, 8-11, 11-4, 11-9)

Radiven bt Berk Oztoprak (TUR) 3-1 (11-8, 12-10, 4-11, 11-4)




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