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Ralph Pattison and Sophie Earley are the first ever winners of the Under-21 National Cup

Ralph Pattison and Sophie Earley are the first ever winners of the Under-21 National Cup
Ralph Pattison and Sophie Earley are the first ever winners of the Under-21 National Cup


Ralph Pattison took the men's title at his home club, while Sophie Earley was undefeated to take the women's title at the first Under-21 National Cup at the BATTS club in Harlow.

Second seed Earley defeated top seed Mari Baldwin in the final round of matches. Both were unbeaten so far to take the gold, leaving her opponent in silver, while third seed Ella Pashley took bronze.

Neither man was undefeated, but Pattison's four-match victory over top seed Connor Green was crucial. Green finished with silver and Larry Trumpauskas, the fourth seed, won bronze.

Stay up to date with selected matches on TTE.TV and look forward to our Rewind special on YouTubewith highlights from the tournament, later this week.

Click here for the complete boys results | Click here for the full girls results

Photos by Michael Loveder, Official Photographer of Table Tennis in England.

Ladies singles

Sophie Earley

Day one

The top two seeds started with wins in three straight Mari Baldwin over Mia Lakhani and Sophie Earley against Bly Twomey.

Ella Pashley also needed three against Saskia Key, but Sienna Jetha went the distance with Rebecca Savage to win the score 13-11 in the fifth after being put back twice from a match up front.

Rachael Iles defeated Mabel Shute in three. Shute would complete the first day before withdrawing injured.

Round 2 saw more 3-0 wins for Earley, against Key and Pashley, over Savage. It was also 3-0 for Baldwin against two-time Paralympic bronze medalist Twomey, although the teenager held her own before losing 11-8, 11-8, 12-10.

Jetha defeated Iles in four, while Shute took what would prove to be her only win, in three against Lakhani.

Pashley dropped a game in Round 3 but still had the upper hand against Iles, while Baldwin only needed three against Key, as did Earley against Savage, and romped through for the loss of just eight points.

Lakhani secured a win on the board, in three over Twomey, while in that one it was also three for Jetha against Shute 11-8, 16-14, 11-8.

The pattern continued into Round 4, with the top four all maintaining their 100% records. It was 9, 5, 4 for Earley against Iles, while Jetha needed four to beat Lakhani, as did Pashley to beat Shute.

Baldwin's three-match victory was a narrow 14-12, 12-10, 13-11 over Savage, and Twomey recorded her first win when she defeated Key 3-0 (11-7, 11-9, 11-6).

Something had to give in Round 5 when Pashley faced Jetha, and it went the distance before Pashley took the 3-2 (11-9, 9-11, 11-3, 7-11, 11-7).

Savage secured a victory on the board, in four against Twomey, and Key also achieved her first success when she came from 2-0 down to beat Lakhani 3-2 (5-11, 7-11, 11-6, 11-7 , 11-8).

Baldwin took out Iles in three, and it was also three for Earley against Shute. That was Shute's last involvement in the competition, with her results removed from the competition record, although they still count in the standings.

With Shute's removal, the first day rankings were (in brackets): 1 Baldwin (1), 2 Earley (2), 3 Pashley (3), 4 Jetha (4), 5 Savage (7), 6 Twomey ( 9), 7 Key (8), 8 Lakhani (10), 9 Iles (6), 10 Shute (5).

Day two

Shute's withdrawal left Baldwin without a first-round match, and Earley and Pashley stole a march with 3–0 wins over Jetha and Lakhani, respectively. Iles defeated Twomey in three, and it was also three straight for Savage against Key.

Round 7 featured two super matches, one of which was crucial in the medal upset as Baldwin took on Jetha. The top seed romped through the first two matches, only to see her young opponent pull back. Baldwin missed a pile of match points before finally gaining the upper hand with a twitch of the cheeks at 3-2 (11-3, 11-2, 7-11, 13-15, 14-12).

The other sensational match went all the way to 21-19 in the fifth as Lakhani and Savage both refused to be beaten. In the end, it was Lakhani who finally managed to take the all-important point. The final score was 10-12, 15-13, 11-6, 9-11, 21-19.

Mia Lakhani

In the remaining matches, Key defeated Iles in four and Earley took a big step towards gold with a 4, 9, 2 victory over Pashley.

Baldwin also defeated Pashley in round 8 with 11-1, 11-8, 13-11 being the margin. Earley made light work of Lakhani, while Jetha defeated Twomey in three. Iles vs. Savage went to a fifth and Savage missed again.

In the final round the best two met, undefeated, to decide the gold. Baldwin had a chance to take the first, but lost it 13-11, and Earley went on to win 13-11, 11-4, 11-3.

Iles won a second consecutive five-setter, beating Lakhani, while Pashey secured bronze by beating Twomey in three, by the same margin that Jetha defeated Key.

The final score was: 1 Sophie Earley, 2 Mari Baldwin, 3 Ella Pashley, 4 Sienna Jetha, 5 Rachael Iles, 6 Rebecca Savage, 7 Mia Lakhani, 8 Saskia Key, 9 Bly Twomey.

Men's singles

Day one

Ralph Pattison

The late withdrawal of sixth seed Olly Cornish meant only nine men were in action and there was a first round upset when Isaac Kingham defeated second-placed Toby Ellis 3-2 (12-10, 6-11, 11-5, 7-11, 11-5).

Connor Green started his campaign well with a 3-0 win over Krish Chotai, while Larry Trumpauska's first match resulted in a 3-1 win over Joseph Dennison. The other match went to the fifth, with Louis Price beating Jakub Piwowar 3-2 (10-12, 16-14, 6-11, 11-2, 11-2).

Ralph Pattison drew a blank in Round 1, but he took his first chance at victory when he defeated Chotai 3-2 (11-9, 6-11, 11-8, 9-11, 11-9) in Round 2.

Trumpauskas needed four against Piwowar, and it was three close games as Green defeated Kingham 9, 10, 10 and Dennison defeated Ellis 10, 10, 9.

Elli's poor form continued as he lost in four to Piwowar in round 3, while Pattison took another five-set win, this time beating Price 11-8, 7-11, 6-11, 11-9, 11- 8).

Green wasn't too bothered by Dennison, nor Kingham by Chotai, who both won in three.

If that victory for Groen was easy, the one in round 4 was anything but. He took on Piwowar and it went down to the wire, both had match points before Green claimed a 3-2 (11-5, 11-9, 10-12, 11-13, 14-12) victory.

Trumpauskas maintained his unbeaten record with a four-match win over Pattison, while Price defeated Chotai and Kingham defeated Dennison, both in three.

The final round of the day saw Greens draw a blank, but the four played all went to a decider, including Trumpauskas who maintained his unbeaten record with a score of 11-8, 3-11, 9-11, 11- 7, 11-5. Price.

Kingham secured their place at the top, albeit one match more than Green or Trumpauskas, with a 6-11, 11-6, 11-8, 6-11, 11-9 win over Piwowar.

Chotai secured a victory thanks to a comeback from 2-1 down to beat Dennison 11-5 in the fifth, while Ellis 3-2 (11-8, 7-11, 13-15, 11-9, 11-8) win over Pattison meant that every player had at least one win to their name at the end of the day.

The standings at the end of day one (placements in brackets) were: 1 Kingham (9), 2 Green (1), 3 Trumpauskas (2), 4 Price (4), 5 Pattison (5), 6 Piwowar (7) , 7 Dennison (8), 8 Chotai (10), 9 Ellis (2).

Day two

In the first round of the day, fifth seed Pattison confused the seedings by handing Green a four-match defeat. After winning the first 12-10 and winning the second 11-7, Pattison had the top seed under real pressure. As Green romped to the third 11-2 the momentum seemed to have shifted but Pattison didn't step back and took the fourth 12-10.

That victory put Trumpauskas in a great position at the top, after the south Londoner won his match against Chotai in four.

In the other matches Piwowar defeated Dennison in four games and there was a great 3-2 win for Price against Ellis 4-11, 11-5, 11-13, 13-11, 11-7.

Louis Price

In round 7, Green bounced back with a 9, 6, 6 win over Price, Piwowar defeated Chotai in three and Pattison defeated Kingham, also in three, although it was a drawn out first two games in an 18-16, 14-12, 11 – 3 win.

Trumpauskas defeated Ellis in four, which turned out to be Ellis' last match as he succumbed to a back injury. When his matches were removed from the record, Pattison's defeat at his hands was erased and the BATTS player came right back into contention.

Of course, Pattison still had to take care of the results, and he was pushed by Dennison in the next round. Dennison also had his win over Ellis erased. Ultimately, Pattison crossed the line 3-2 (11-2, 9-11, 11-5, 15-17, 11-9).

If that was close, the match between Groen and Trumpauskas was on another level. The first game went to 20-18, with the player failing to hold his own serve until 10-10.

When Trumpauskas took the next 12-10, Green faltered, which makes his comeback and winning the next three 8, 6, 4 all the more commendable.

Price defeated Kingham in three games in the only other match of the round.

So to the final round, with Pattison, Green and Trumpauskas all in with a chance. Green had no match but would take the title if Pattison lost regardless of Trumpauska's result. Trumpauskas needed a win to stay ahead of Pattison.

It was Kingham who was the King-maker, sinking Trumpauskas 3-2 (11-7, 3-11, 9-11, 12-10, 11-6) to open the door for Pattison.

Meanwhile, Piwowar caused Pattison problems on the adjacent court, but Pattison dug deep and won 3-2 (11-7, 6-11, 11-7, 9-11, 11-8).

Price beat Dennison by three in the other match, leaving the final positions as: 1 Ralph Pattison, 2 Connor Green, 3 Larry Trumpauskas, 4 Louis Price, 5 Isaac Kingham, 6 Jakub Piwowar, 7 Krish Chotai, 8 Joseph Dennison.




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