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Women's hockey drops season opener to Boston College at Home

Women's hockey drops season opener to Boston College at Home
Women's hockey drops season opener to Boston College at Home


BRIDGEWATER, MA (September 28, 2024) Stonehill College women's ice hockey lost a 5-1 decision to Boston College on Saturday night at Bridgewater Ice Arena. With the loss, the Skyhawks opened the season 0-1, while the Eagles improved to 1-0 overall.


  • JuniorLily Geistlit the lamp on her first goal of the season against a freshman defenderSeina Spadonesinitial career guidance.
  • Spadone together with first-year classmates Alexsa CaronAndReagan Why notas well as graduate transfersMaeve Connollyeach made their Skyhawk debut that evening.
  • Stonehill blocked a total of 20 shots as a team, with Whynot leading the way with four on the night.
  • Caron made her first career start in net for Stonehill and stopped 38 shots, marking the most in the first career start by a Skyhawk goaltender in the program's short history.
  • SophomoreSammy Taberpaved the way for Boston College's offensive output, scoring her first goal of the season and dishing out an assist.
  • SeniorKeri Cloughertyscored what ultimately became the game winner and marked just the second career goal for the Eagles.
  • Sophomore Molly Jordanalso had a two-point night on a goal and an assist for Boston College.
  • JuniorGrace Campbelland sophomoresBailey Callawayinterim in net for the Eagles, stopping a total of 17 of 18 shots.

How it happened

Stonehill came out of the gate strong in the season opener, scoring three early shots within the first 90 seconds of the match, two of which were on target via senior's sticks.Josie Mendessonand juniorSarah Taylor.

However, at the 3:47 mark of the first period, Boston College would light the lamp as senior AbbyNew hookwent coast to coast, scoring her first goal of the season and 27th of her collegiate career.

Less than 30 seconds after the Eagles opened the scoring, Stonehill would tie the game one way as Geist would sneak a shot from the near faceoff circle through Campbell's pads and into the back of the BC net. The goal marked Geist's 23rd career goal, second among active Skyhawks, behind only junior classmateMaddison Achtylwith 24 career goals.

Boston College would regain its one-goal lead with just over five minutes left in the opening frame. A bouncing puck shot in from the neutral zone by Clougherty would find its way past Caron and into the back of the net to give the Eagles a 2-1 lead heading into the first intermission.

At 2:11 of the second period, Boston College would increase the lead to 3-1. Between the circles, Jordan would receive a tape-to-tape pass from seniorJenna Carpenterbelow the goal line and fires a shot past Caron into the net for her fifth career goal and first of the season.

In the third period, the Eagles closed out the game by scoring goals at 11:45 and 19:22 respectively. Taber capped off her two-point night by lighting the lamp on her first goal of the season with assists from a freshmanAlana Devlinand oldestKiley Ericksonwhile I am a first year studentTricia Pikuscored her first career goal in the final minute of regulation to seal the 5–1 win for Boston College.


Stonehill (0-1, 0-0 NEWHA) returns to action next weekend for a two-game set against Syracuse. Puck drop for Friday's season opener is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. between the Skyhawks and Orange in Syracuse, N.Y.

For the latest Stonehill Athletics news, follow the Skyhawks on social media atTweet,Facebook,AndInstagram.




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