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BCCI inaugurates a state-of-the-art Center of Excellence in Cricket in Bengaluru

BCCI inaugurates a state-of-the-art Center of Excellence in Cricket in Bengaluru
BCCI inaugurates a state-of-the-art Center of Excellence in Cricket in Bengaluru


The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has officially opened the new National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru, now called the BCCI Center of Excellence. Designed by BCCI Secretary Jay Shah, this state-of-the-art facility aims to cultivate the next generation of cricketing talent while promoting advancements in sports science across India.

The Center of Excellence covers over 40 hectares and is equipped with three cricket pitches and a total of 86 pitches, offering both indoor and outdoor training options. The main ground, Ground A, has an 85-metre boundary and 13 carefully manicured pitches, made of Mumbai red soil, ready for action.

With the latest floodlighting and broadcasting capabilities, Ground A is prepared to organize and broadcast matches at night. Sites B and C are designated practice areas, each with a boundary of 75 meters, with 11 sites on Mandya ground and 9 sites on Black Cotton ground in Kalahandi, Odisha.

To ensure minimal disruption from rainfall, the facility features an innovative underground drainage system for rapid recovery, while maintaining a consistent playing schedule. The grounds are decorated with white picket fences and lush green sitting mounds, evoking the charm of a traditional English county estate.

This facility goes beyond cricket; it is committed to improving sports science and supporting athletes from various disciplines. The pioneering Sports Science & Medicine center will be accessible to the top Indian Olympians and will promote the overall development of the Indian sporting landscape.

Here are more details of the BCCI Center of Excellence in Bengaluru

World-class net courts and indoor practice facilities

The center has as many as 45 off-grid sites, organized into nine clusters, with Mumbai red soil, Mandya soil, black cotton Kalahandi soil and concrete surfaces. These camping pitches are safely enclosed by nets from Great Britain. In addition to the nets, there is a designated field practice area and six outdoor running tracks made of natural grass and Mondo synthetic material.

Inside, a state-of-the-art practice facility offers eight pitches with top quality artificial grass from Britain and Australia, along with an 80-metre communal approach area. Expansive, reinforced glass panels let in natural light and create a welcoming environment. Integrated cameras are provided to record the game for analysis, so athletes can train at any time, regardless of weather conditions.

Quality changing rooms and spacious press conference room

The South Pavilion is a two-story structure of 45,000 square meters and features one of the largest dressing rooms in the area, almost 3,000 square meters, equipped with a Jacuzzi, lounge, massage room, equipment room and restrooms. It will also showcase a carefully curated Hall of Fame celebrating India's cricketing heritage.

Other highlights include state-of-the-art commentator and match referee rooms with state-of-the-art broadcasting facilities, a spacious press conference room and a VIP lounge and dining area. The dining and dormitory block, a single-storey building with 15,000 square meters, provides food and accommodation for staff, with male and female dormitories with options for future expansion.

Medicine block and the latest technology

The Sports Science & Medicine (SSM) Block covers 16,000 square meters and features first-class fitness equipment. It includes four running tracks and premium Mondo rubber flooring. The facility features a physiotherapy rehabilitation room, a state-of-the-art sports science and medicine laboratory, and a recovery room with a jacuzzi, sauna, steam room, spa with underwater pool and cold showers.

There is also a meeting room with 80 seats, a coaching room and a swimming pool of 25 x 12 meters. To enhance training sessions, presentations and fitness classes, the block is equipped with dedicated audiovisual and projector facilities.

Published by:

sabyasachi chowdhury

Published on:

September 29, 2024

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