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Cricket: a thoroughly Indian sport, by David Garcia (Le Monde Diplomatique

Cricket: a thoroughly Indian sport, by David Garcia (Le Monde Diplomatique
Cricket: a thoroughly Indian sport, by David Garcia (Le Monde Diplomatique


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Cricket diplomacy: Pakistan's Naseem Shah (left) and India's Virat Kohli during the Super 4 phase of the Asia Cup, Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 11, 2023

Surjeet Yadav Getty

IN November 2023 India was mesmerized by the Cricket World Cup, which was held at ten venues across the country. In this vast country, even in its most remote parts, hundreds of millions of Indians celebrated their favorite sport, the popularity of which far exceeds that of football. A fortunate minority attended the matches in person, but most Indians followed the exploits of their national team, led by Virat Kohli, on subscription television channels.

Kohli, who is revered as a Bollywood star, was everywhere on billboards and television programmes, and his fans took every opportunity to show their devotion, such as on November 5, his birthday, when India defeated South Africa in Calcutta. Ecstatic supporters in the stands of the Eden Gardens stadium waved a banner that read: Virat, long life to the mother who gave birth to you. Frenzied fans shouted Happy Birthday King Kohli into TV cameras. There were close-ups of him signing autographs and greeting children, like a campaigning politician. Footage of Kohli mingling with the crowd played endlessly on Disney's Star Sports 1 and 2, which aired the World Cup.

The day before, huge queues had formed around the Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore, the capital of the southwestern state of Karnataka, where New Zealand was about to take on Pakistan. A tunic seller loudly praised his goods, especially New Zealand shirts. What about Pakistani shirts? I asked. “I'm not allowed to do that,” the young salesman muttered, looking down. A bystander added: I'm not for New Zealand or Pakistan. But I wouldn't buy a Pakistan shirt. New Zealand is very popular here. This implicitly implies that Pakistan is not.

Cricket originated in England in the 16th century and had become an aristocratic sport par excellence by the 18th century. It is no exaggeration to suggest that cricket came closer than any other public form to distilling, constituting and communicating the values ​​of England's Victorian upper classes to English gentlemen as part of their embodied (…)

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(1) Arjun Appadurai, Modernity in general: cultural dimensions of globalizationUniversity of Minnesota Press, 1996. All quotes from Appadurai are from this book.

(2) Stefan Wagg, Cricket: a political history of the global game, 1945-2017Routledge, London, 2018. All Wagg quotes are from this source.

(3) Zoroastrians, the Parsis, emigrated from Persia to India in the tenth century.

(4) Ramachandra Guha, A Corner of a Foreign Field: The Indian History of a British SportPicador, London, 2003.

(6) Mohit Anand, Geopolitics of Cricket in India in Simon Chadwick, Paul Widdop and Michael M Goldman (eds), The geopolitical economy of sport: power, politics, money and the stateRoutledge, 2023.

(11) Cricket diplomacy is working again between India and Pakistan, The worldParis, March 28, 2011.

(13) Pradeep magazine, Not just cricket: a reporter's journey through modern IndiaHarperCollins India, New Delhi, 2021.

(14) Quoted in Anand op cit.




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