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The young American Major League cricket is progressing in the right direction despite stadium challenges

The young American Major League cricket is progressing in the right direction despite stadium challenges
The young American Major League cricket is progressing in the right direction despite stadium challenges


Franchises in Major League Cricket are still in 'investment mode', but confidence remains high over the direction of the moneyed US professional T20 league.

After a successful launch, exceeding financial expectations, MLC had the tough task of backing up just days after the T20 World Cup co-hosted by the USA

There was always going to be a decline in the novelty factor, but the injection of major international players – culminating in Australian superstar Pat Cummins – helped MLC move forward.

ForbesSan Francisco Unicorns have lured cricket superstar Pat Cummins and boast Silicon Valley Edge

The stakes are high as cricket moves to finally shed its invisibility in the world's largest sporting market. More than $100 million has been invested in the MLC by influential Indian businessmen, some of whom are in Silicon Valley.

The six-team tournament has been able to lure high-profile international cricketers through attractive salaries that rival the world's top T20 leagues outside the money-grubbing Indian Premier League.

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But these smart businessmen know very well that start-ups take time to turn a profit. “We are still in an investment mode,” Anand Rajaraman, co-owner of San Francisco Unicorns, told me. “I don't think we're anywhere close to breaking even or anything like that.

“It will probably take a few years to get there, but things seem to be going in the right direction. We have done quite well on the sponsorship side and I hope that continues to grow.”

Expanding the tournament and tapping into a wider fan base could be related to the infrastructure of cricket grounds. MLC is played primarily in Dallas, with the former baseball stadium in Grand Prairie becoming the center of cricket in the US

Texas is the only franchise with a home base, with San Francisco, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Seattle and MI New York all still trying to find permanent facilities.

San Francisco had a site booked in Santa Clara but are currently expanding their search, although the cricket ground will most likely be in Silicon Valley. Urgent searches are underway to find venues for the cricket competitions at the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

ForbesThe Bay Area could host cricket matches during the Los Angeles Olympics

“It (making a profit) will probably depend on when we can play matches locally… having that permanent stadium,” Rajaraman said. “Once you have that, we can have other sources of income.

“We are looking for support from local authorities to help us as it is not financially feasible for one team to foot the entire bill. If local authorities could make this possible it would be great and very exciting if it happens. “

It was a successful season for the Unicorns, who finished in second place, as their strategy of focusing on analytics and data in an effort to build a Silicon Valley identity paid off. The franchise plans to put its partnership with Cricket Victoria to good use.

“We will work on developing our domestic players and send them to Australia for coaching and training,” Rajaraman said. “We have made quite a lot of use of data and analytics and we would like to continue to push the boundaries of that.”




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