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Hockey secures 3-1 win in Liberty League opener – The Ithacan

Hockey secures 3-1 win in Liberty League opener – The Ithacan
Hockey secures 3-1 win in Liberty League opener – The Ithacan


On September 28, the nationally ranked No. 18 The Ithaca College hockey team returned home to open Liberty League play with a dominant 3-1 victory over the Union College Garnet Chargers. The win improves the Bombers' record to 6-3 and 1-0 in the conference.

The first quarter was dominated by Bomber possession. In the brief moments that Union would push into the scoring area, senior defender Bella McCollister quickly redistributed the ball across the Bombers half of the field.

The Bombers earned six penalty corners during the quarter and senior midfielder Emma Garver led with two shots on goal, but the Bombers' attack could not be converted before the horn sounded. The Garnet Chargers couldn't register a shot through the Bombers' solid defense.

The Unions offensive attack caught the Bombers off guard early in the second quarter as the Garnet Chargers earned their first penalty corner of the league. However, the Bombers quickly regained control and held their possession firmly for the remainder of the half.

The South Hill side earned two consecutive penalty corners about halfway through the second quarter, the second breaking the 23-minute deadlock. From the top of the arc, Garver uncorked a drive that rattled the boards on impact, putting the Bombers ahead 1-0.

Honestly it was electric, Garver said. It's an indescribable feeling, but goals like that strengthen our momentum and keep us going for the rest of the match. As soon as we scored once, we wanted more.

However, a one-point lead was not enough.

With two seconds left in the half, the Bombers earned their ninth penalty corner of the day. On a trick play to the left side of the cage, senior striker Juliana Valli placed a backwards buzzer-beater past the Union goalkeeper, bringing the crowd to its feet. Valli's third goal of the season ended the quarter and gave the Bombers a 2-0 lead.

After the break the bombers lost none of their strength. Another two consecutive penalty corners produced a similar sequence of events to the previous quarter. When Valli planted herself on the left side of the cage, Garver found time and space to send her the ball. A quick deflection saw Valli's name added again and extended the Bombers' lead to three.

About three minutes later, Union's offense started to gain some momentum. The Garnet Chargers managed two shots from a penalty corner, but sophomore goalkeeper Maeve Clark anchored the Ithaca defense to keep Union out of scoring position. The third quarter ended with no further scoring and the Bombers led 3-0.

The Bombers outwitted the Garnet Chargers until the final 90 seconds of regulation, when Union earned a penalty stroke give Union firstyear-round striker Maddie Monaghan a 1-on-1 chance ato Clark. For the first and last time in the league, the Garnet Chargers were able to capitalize and cut the lead to 3-1. However, the Bombers' dominant lead secured their first conference win.

The Bombers will face the No. 20 SUNY Geneseo Knights in a road game on Oct. 2 at 4 p.m. in Geneseo, New York.




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