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Timothe Chalamet puts photos of 'Marty Supreme' Leak online

Timothe Chalamet puts photos of 'Marty Supreme' Leak online
Timothe Chalamet puts photos of 'Marty Supreme' Leak online


Timothée Chalamet has been spotted in costume in Manhattan as production begins on “Marty Supreme,” his upcoming A24 film about a professional table tennis player.

In the set photos, Chalamet wears a 1950s hairstyle, round wire frame glasses, and an oversized white shirt under a blue sweater vest.

Josh Safdie directs 'Marty Supreme,' his first solo feature film director since 2008. Joining Chalamet in the cast are Gwyneth Paltrow (in her first film role since 2019's 'Avengers: Endgame) and Tyler, the Creator (in his film debut). Odessa A'zion also stars magician Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller), investor and “Shark Tank” personality Kevin O'Leary (aka Mr. Wonderful) and “Bad Lieutenant” filmmaker Abel Ferrara. Plot details are unknown, but A24 posted an image of a ping pong ball with the words 'coming soon' after it. Variety broke news about the project in July.

Safdie and Ronald Bronstein wrote the original screenplay for “Marty Supreme” and are producing with Eli Bush, Anthony Katagas, Chalamet and A24.

Chalamet, who found success with the musical prequel “Wonka” and the sci-fi epic “Dune: Part Two,” also recently wrapped production on James Mangold's “A Complete Unknown,” in which he stars as a young Bob Dylan early sixties. The film, out December 25, follows the early days of the folk music legend's career in Greenwich Village, until he picked up an electric guitar at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival and changed the genre forever. Set photos from that shoot also leaked online and went viral.

Safdie is best known for 'Uncut Gems' and 'Good Time', which he co-directed with his brother Benny Safdie. After the two parted ways creatively, Josh Safdie directed Adam Sandler's latest comedy special for Netflix, titled “Love You,” and he is also working with Sandler on a separate film set in the world of sports memorabilia and baseball.

Check out the set photos below.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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