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Hockey on four-game win streak after overtime victory against Towson University

Hockey on four-game win streak after overtime victory against Towson University
Hockey on four-game win streak after overtime victory against Towson University


The University of Richmond hockey team defeated Towson University 2-1 at home on September 29.

The first penalty corner of the game went to UR four and a half minutes into the first period, and senior midfielder Annie Nash scored her first goal of the season. The Spiders scored another penalty corner a few minutes later, but were unable to capitalize.

In the second period, Towson scored a goal, but upon review it was voided. Instead, the Tigers were given a penalty shot, which they scored.

The Spiders had a chance to take the lead moments later when they drew two penalty corners, but both attempts were unsuccessful. Halfway through the period, another penalty corner was awarded to UR, but again they were unable to score.

Junior midfielder Jess McMeeking was given a green card for stick interference, and sophomore forward Avery Russell took her place seven minutes into the period.

UR were awarded another corner, but the shot was deflected by the Tigers. With four and a half minutes left in the half, Towson scored two failed penalty corner attempts, missing the chance to take the lead.

Seven minutes into the third period, the Tigers suffered a failed penalty corner attempt. The shot was initially called a goal, but after review the point was rescinded when UR deflected the ball at the last moment.

The Spiders drew their seventh penalty corner of the match two minutes later, but Towson defended successfully. A few minutes later, sophomore forward Clara Larripa connected for another penalty corner, but the Spiders were once again left without a goal.

Towson had its own botched penalty corner to tie the score at 1-1 leading into the fourth period.

The Spiders drew the first penalty corner of the fourth period, but their attempt to score fell short. Moments later, the Spiders had three more penalty corners, but were unable to create a goal from any of them.

The Spiders drew their thirteenth penalty corner, which initially appeared successful, but the goal was declared void after review, leaving the match tied with seven minutes on the clock. Neither team was able to score in that period, sending the game into extra time.

The Tigers were awarded a penalty corner shortly in the fifth period, but did not score.

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The Spiders drew a penalty corner minutes later, which led to sophomore forward Valen Luna Paratore scoring a game-winning goal. This was the fourth overtime victory for the Spiders this season.

“I'm glad we won, but I'm not going to be complacent about it,” redshirt junior goalkeeper Kristen Rake said after the game. We want to beat teams with more than one lead in an overtime goal.

With this win, the Spiders take the lead 7-2 in their next game against La Salle University, a fellow Atlantic 10 team, at 5:00 PM on October 4 at Crenshaw Field. UR Head Coach Martu Loncarica left La Salle to coach UR this season, meaning she will compete against her former players on her new home court. The Spiders are currently 2-0 in their conference and will look to keep that momentum going.

Contact lifestyle editor Abigail Finney at [email protected].

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