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English cricket is set to restrict players' involvement in the franchise league

English cricket is set to restrict players' involvement in the franchise league
English cricket is set to restrict players' involvement in the franchise league


A leading player's agent has warned that the growth of franchise competitions during the English summer could encourage more English players to become white-ball specialists.

If the PSL remains in the new window, it will push them even further towards the white ball, the agent said, adding that the ECB faces an uphill battle to protect the County Championship in the current climate.

A less welcoming attitude to handing out NOCs would be intended to encourage players to continue playing in England during the domestic summer. In April and May next year, there will be 122 combined overseas slots in the IPL and PSL. This has raised fears that more than 30 English players could take part in one of these competitions, with a growing number of overseas tournaments also taking place during the early summer months.

The ECB is discussing the finer details of the new policy and does not want to accidentally push players from the province to become white-ball specialists. But there is consensus on the need to protect domestic summer as the global calendar becomes more saturated.

A new game-wide policy could be agreed in the coming weeks, which will see the ECB take more leadership over NOCs, as a number of provincial cricket directors have urged. The status quo is seen as a way of giving individual players too much power: for example, if a province threatens to block a player from participating in a foreign competition, they can threaten to move to another province.

The County Championship could become a development competition

This year, Lancashire fast bowler Luke Wood missed the club's final matches in Division One as the club fought in vain to stay afloat to feature in the Zim Afro T10, a 10-a-side competition in Zimbabwe . Such a move would not be allowed under the proposed change in NOC policy unless Wood were to retire from first-class cricket altogether.

Lancashire chief executive Daniel Gidney recently criticized the way county contracts had become diluted. He called for action to prevent English players from appearing in foreign competitions and for the value of contracts to be increased at the top level. Gidney warned that the current player market could lead to a situation where the championship becomes a development competition like the over-50s competition.

A new approach from the ECB could also encourage some players to stay in England for the entire home summer. It's a very competitive world out there, the player's agent said. So if you want to prioritize white-ball, you have to be pretty sure you're going to get those contracts.

Some English players without a central contract are already white-ball specialists. This year, Jason Roy missed T20 Blast matches for Surrey to feature in Major League Cricket and the Caribbean Premier League. Alex Hales missed Blast matches for Nottinghamshire to feature in the Lanka Premier League.

It's not actually our choice, Notts head coach Peter Moores said at the time. Players now have a choice, the players decide. And they have so much choice, there are so many competitions around.




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