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These Montgomery County teens are making tennis more accessible

These Montgomery County teens are making tennis more accessible
These Montgomery County teens are making tennis more accessible


Bodi De and Kemit-Amon Lewis at the Para Standing Tennis Clinic on September 28. Photo by Ariel De.

Bodi De, a high school student at Chevy Chase, has a busy schedule. In addition to his courses, he is a member of his school's athletics team, plays tennis and, in 2023, founded a non-profit organization with his sister Maya to raise awareness of a lesser-known form of adaptive tennis: para-standing tennis.

The sport is played in the same way as the standard tennis game, but is specially designed for people with disabilities who have differences in limbs, low vision or other disabilities, but prefer to play standing rather than in a wheelchair.

He started playing tennis six years ago Junior Tennis Champions Centerusing the sport to help him cope with his own disabilities, a speech delay and ADHD. He talks about the impact of tennis on his life, plus his experiences as a volunteer at the center adaptive tennis programwhich, in addition to para-standing players, also serves wheelchair users, veterans and people with intellectual disabilities, inspired him. Although tennis can be an individual sport,” he says, “I want to bring a community together.

Last April, the organization The brothers and sisters, Para Standing Tennis DMVheld a clinic at the Georgetown Prep Tennis Club next to the Junior Tennis Champions Center. When his sister left this fall to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, De continued their efforts, this time bringing the clinics to the district. The first of three planned DC clinics took place Saturday at the Washington Tennis & Education Foundation in Fort Dupont.

Clinic participants included Kemit-Amon Lewis, a quadruple amputee who moved to Chevy Chase from Florida in June for work. Lewis, who is 41, played tennis on Savannah State University's Division I team before losing his right leg, right hand, left fingers and left toes in 2019. After his amputation, he continued to play with a custom-made prosthesis, and recently played in the World Para-standing Tennis Championships and in an exhibition at Wimbledon. After moving to DC, Lewis turned to the Junior Tennis Champions Center to continue playing tennis and discovered the clinics. As a high-level player, he hopes to inspire other disabled athletes to continue with the sport.

“I think being there helps, especially the newer tennis players, to see creative benchmarks for themselves, to see where they can go, and to realize that there's no difference that should hold you back,” he says.

The clinics are accessible to every disabled player, regardless of his or her tennis knowledge. In their first clinic, the players practiced warm-ups and basic forehand and backhand strokes, but De says another goal of the clinic was to get to know each athlete and give them a specialized experience.

[I want to] get to know them both as people, as players, and I hope they want to come back because they had a lot of fun and built friendships, because that's what it's all about, he says.

The remaining para-standing tennis clinics held by Para Standing Tennis DMV, the Junior Tennis Champions Center and the Washington Tennis & Education Foundation are scheduled for October 19 and November 9. More information can be found at Para Standing Tennis DMVs website.

Molly SzymanskiMolly Szymanski




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