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Cricket movement goes sideways at North Bay City Council meeting Tuesday


I thought we had such a good relationship that he could have approached me,” Coun Sara Inch told the Nugget, referring to comments made by Coun Mac Bain.

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Count. Sara Inch was stunned and surprised by the turn of events at Tuesday's council meeting.

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It wasn't just the vote that wasn't to her liking that caught her off guard, rather it was the motion itself and the comments from her fellow council members.

Honestly, I don't know what happened tonight, she told The Nugget after the meeting in the council chamber.

I wrote a motion and was told to withdraw it, and it was rewritten and this is what was submitted, and it was not rewritten by me.

Inch said she was also quite surprised by Coun. (Mac) Bains comments.

I thought we had a good enough relationship that he could have approached me.

The motion filed by Inch and seconded by Coun. Jamie Lowery was tasked with directing city staff to explore funding options through the province's Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund for cricket and pickleball facilities in the West Ferris area.

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Bain said he was baffled by the motion and had hoped he had misunderstood or misread it.

He said some people think he has had a seat at the table for too long, but there are plenty he is proud of, including hiring a gap officer to ensure city and community agencies and nonprofits Don't miss out on financing opportunities.

Bain told the council he would not support the motion because that work is already being done by city staff.

He said numerous examples can be attributed to the gap officer position, such as the multi-use lanes at Oak Street and the all-wheel pump track.

This resolution tells staff how to apply for grants. They don't need to be told to look for financing. I would encourage the council not to support this, it is already being worked on.

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Count. Chris Mayne seconded the motion.

There are new priorities than sixteen years ago. Pickleball and cricket were not on our radar. I think it is reasonable for the council to provide some direction to staff.

Count. Mark King said he feels the motion shows the city doesn't trust staff.

Lowery asked for a recorded vote. Lowery, Coun. Chris Mayne, Coun. Justine Mallah and Coun. Sara Inch supported the motion.

Count. Mac Bain, Coun. Mark King, Deputy Mayor Maggie Horsfield, Coun. Lana Mitchell and Mayor Peter Chirico voted against the motion. The motion was rejected.

Count. Tanya Vrebosch and Count. Gary Gardiner was not present.

Count. Lowery, who was visibly frustrated, spoke with three pickleball players as he left the council chambers.

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He told the trio that without a few consultants pushing hard for a cricket pitch, players would have to wait several years for the facility to come to North Bay.

Inch said despite the vote, she believes the council supports a cricket field.

Cricket and pickleball players have reached out and let me know they feel like they've been left out of the schedule. As a representative of the public, I do my job to bring those things forward, Inch said.

If the staff makes all the decisions, why are ten people sitting here?

Council agreed to consider a cricket ground in upcoming municipal budget deliberations. The potential location would be at the Steve Omischl Sports Complex.

Cricket has been played in North Bay for about a decade.

Several cricketers have expressed concerns about the lack of amenities in the city and the missed opportunities.

Romy Ghumman of the North Bay Cricket Club told The Nugget at the April 2 council meeting that the city is missing out on huge tourism dollars.

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