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North Wales table tennis initiative is looking for future champions

North Wales table tennis initiative is looking for future champions


The partnership between Coleg Cambria and Table Tennis Wales has made significant progress over the last twelve months, working with communities and schools across North Wales.

Regional development officer Aaron Beech has been liaising with clubs, PE teachers and grassroots organizations in a bid to find the country's next Olympic, Commonwealth or world champion.

The academy hosted four festivals at the college's Yale site in Wrexham, supported by GCSE pupils, aimed at primary school children.

More than 300 people attended the events and took part in competitions and fun activities.

We have also delivered festivals at Deeside Leisure Center and Northop for primary and secondary schools, working with Aura Leisure and local coaches, Beech said.

And the numerous taster sessions we have run in Flintshire, Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Conwy and Anglesey have enabled us to connect with over 2,000 young people, introducing them to the joys of table tennis and the love of the sport to cherish.

As well as a focus on elite competition, the returning food and fun program will also include table tennis clubs from Ewloe, Northop, Rhyl and Trinity Club in Trefnant.

Another key partner for the academy is Disability Sport Wales, which has helped Beech and the team promote inclusivity and accessibility for all.

We actively refer players to local clubs and look forward to our next Paralympian, fostering a supportive environment, he said. Whether it is provincial training and selection days, ensuring a robust and competitive environment for our athletes, or sessions for students with disabilities, we have a total commitment to encouraging as many people as possible, backed by the commitment and enthusiasm of our coaches, who play an important role in the success we have had so far.

He added: The strong partnerships we have built since launch have been vital, including Bangor University, where we have hosted veterans team championships and the inaugural Bangor Open, or the exploratory work we are doing with the forces of Girl Guides and Boy Scouts.

Our initiatives in North Wales have had a substantial impact on the community, promoting physical activity and growing a love of table tennis among young people. I look forward to continuing our work and expanding our reach in the coming months.

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