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Men's tennis opens season at Lehigh Invitational – The Villanovan

Men's tennis opens season at Lehigh Invitational – The Villanovan
Men's tennis opens season at Lehigh Invitational – The Villanovan


This weekend, the Villanova men's tennis team traveled to Lehigh to compete in the Lehigh Invitational for the season opener.

During the two-day tournament, Villanova competed against Rider, Lafayette and Lehigh.

“To be honest, I thought everything looked good,” Villanova head coach Brad Adams said. I was very impressed with some of the freshmen and our transfer Kush Anand, who had some very good wins. I thought we could have possibly played better doubles, but we're still trying to adjust the teams.

In doubles, sophomore Thomas Wakefield and freshman Cameron Kruep defeated Lehigh freshman duo Jose Murariu and Nate Raney 6-3. The rest of Villanova's doubles team struggled to find a rhythm, and Lehigh seniors Marc Bleckhman and Sean Jaeger defeated Villanova sophomore Kush Anand and senior Trey Fourticq 6-1. Lehigh freshman Ofer Hacohen and junior Jackson Morash defeated Villanova sophomore Will Monahan and freshman Jack Sherner 6-2. Lehigh's Benedict Horn-Bourque and Luke Donovan earned the victory over Villanova freshman Evan Ancu and sophomore Justin Frattarelli, 7-5. Villanova lost the doubles match against Lehigh 1-3.

[We are trying] to find guys who are compatible with each other and complement each other's games, Adams said. In the fall it is quite loose, as far as there are no permanent teams. We can play with teams.

Heading into singles, Villanova showed more promise than in doubles, but ultimately fell short again. Monahan defeated Lehigh's Bleckhman in an impressive 8-4 win. Junior Cooper Gordon also won, defeating Lehigh's Jaeger 8-6. Anand earned his first win as a Wildcat, defeating Hacohen 8-7. Lehigh's Murariu defeated Fourticq 8-1. The remaining five singles matches went to the Mountain Hawks. Villanova lost the singles competition to Lehigh, finishing 3-5.

The tennis team is entering a rebuilding year after losing several key senior men. With a squad that is young and less experienced, the team focuses on cultivating new players and preparing for the future. Adams said the additions to the team will add value.

“I think it really rejuvenated the team as far as how excited they are to play,” Adams said. We'll see how they compete in the coming weeks. But as far as training goes during the first four weeks of the season, it has gone extremely well. This is like getting your foot a little wet [the freshman] who haven't seen college competition. So I'm really excited to see how they compete next week at St. Josephs.

The team has a total of four freshmen and four sophomores, with one of the sophomores being Anand, who joins the program after playing his freshman year at Division III Williams College.

Anand had a strong freshman year at Williams as he went 11-10 in singles and 13-9 in doubles to reach the NCAA Division III Sweet Sixteen.

Kush played two great singles matches and had a very good doubles weekend, Adams said.

With new players come new goals, and Adams has some in mind.

Competing within the Big East is always our main goal, Adams said. Be competitive and look for a conference title. Within the team we are building a great brotherhood, which I think helps us both on and off the field. I think these are great goals for us.

The team will travel to city rival St. Josephs to continue the season in the St. Josephs Invitational, Friday, October 4, Saturday, October 5 and Sunday, October 6.




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