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New film about a 1950s ping-pong champion transforms New York's Lower East Side

New film about a 1950s ping-pong champion transforms New York's Lower East Side
New film about a 1950s ping-pong champion transforms New York's Lower East Side


If you found yourself on Orchard Street on the Lower East Side this week, you may have felt like you were in a time warp. People in old-fashioned clothing walked down the street, vintage signs covered storefronts and old cars were parked along the curb. We even spotted a wooden push cart! Untapped New York got a tip from one of our employees that a movie set had taken over this part of New York City, so we had to go check it out for ourselves.

Signs on telephone poles stated that this section of Orchard Street, from Delancey to Rivington, is used for the production of 'BFM'. Movie announcements often use fake titles to distract from interest and because the official title of the project may not yet be determined. We asked around and discovered that the film stars Timothe Chalamet. Variety reports that the actor has been spotted in various locations in Manhattan in traditional costume.

Upon further investigation, we learned that the set is part of a new A24 film written and directed by Josh Safdie. Titled Marty SupremeIn the film, Chalamet plays ping pong champion Marty Reisman. Further details about the plot are scarce, but Reisman's colorful life makes excellent fodder for the screen.

Reisman was born on February 1, 1930 in Manhattan to Ashkenazi Jewish parents. He started playing table tennis at the age of nine and became junior champion at the age of thirteen. He was soon traveling the world performing as the opening act for the Globetrotters. For decades, his home base was the Riverside Table Tennis Courts at 96th Street and Broadway. During his career spanning more than 50 years, Reisman became known as much for his gregarious personality as for his skills. He won 22 major table tennis titles, made and lost a fortune betting on the game, and challenged celebrities to ping-pong matches.

Vintage Storefront sign on a movie set

It's fascinating to see the intricate work that went into transforming modern New York into a past version of itself, from the dirt and wear on business signs and awnings to the carefully curated displays in shop windows. We saw laundry hanging on the fire escapes, signs written in Hebrew and a vintage taxi (Reismam's father was a taxi driver).

Check out more photos from the set below, and see behind-the-scenes footage from other television and film shoots we visited in New York City, including the recreation of a vending machine for The wonderful Mrs. Maisel and the real police station used Brooklyn 9-9!

Have you seen filming in New York City? Let us know!




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