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No longer recognizing the SA could end UB ice hockey after 128 years

No longer recognizing the SA could end UB ice hockey after 128 years
No longer recognizing the SA could end UB ice hockey after 128 years


Due to the club's current non-recognition status under UB's Student Association (SA), the men's and women's ice hockey teams announced that they cannot compete for this fall semester. The possibility of the two teams competing against each other in the spring remains uncertain.

on no longer recognized the men's and women's ice hockey teams in May, citing the club's failure to host three on-campus events during the 23-24 school year. Both teams previously expressed frustration with SA due to logistical issues, including security issues transport to games and advance payments to referees. A month before the repeal, the men's ice hockey team faced a fine of approximately $4,000in addition to 21 separate offences, for failure to comply with club rules.

Hockey meets are held at Northtown Center in Amherst, a seven-minute drive from UB's North Campus, which club leaders said was close enough to count as an on-campus meet.

As of now, the ice hockey teams will not have access to their accounts within SA. Club leaders estimate the amount at about $30,000.

Two months after the decision, SA rejected one club call filed by the men's Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) ice hockey team to revoke the withdrawal status for the men's ice hockey team. According to SA that was not the case meet all criteria to be considered valid.

The document alleged that the failure to document three on-campus meetings was the result of negligence by its counterpart, the American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) men's team. The AAU team claimed that over the 23-24 years the ACHA team had made plans to leave SA by the fall of 24 and as a result the ACHA team had no interest in following the SA guidelines .

In a statement to The spectrumMorgan von Hedemann, the head coach of the ACHA men's ice hockey team, denied that the ACHA team split from the AAU team and said both teams should still be considered one club.

Attempts to reinstate the ice hockey teams under other organizations and departments have been unsuccessful. According to Hedemann, the teams had so far almost secured a spot under the UB School of Management until the Provost's office intervened and declared that only departments under Student Life can recognize student athletics programs.

Assistant UB Student Engagement Director Thomas Vane said that among the Recognition policy for university-wide student organizationsStudents may request to be recognized by an accredited accredited agent, such as a department/dean's unit, but approval is at the discretion of the accredited agent in an email to The spectrum.

The ACHA team has a petition to reinstate the hockey programs at UB, which gathered more than 4,000 signatures.

I try to give something back to the players you know. I was in their shoes when I was in college. I hope the university understands that hockey is more than a game for these guys. Hedemann said, “A lot of these students are here.” for hockey, so this is troubling for them to say the least.

Head coach of the AAU team Cody Felser said the AAU team had nothing to do with the petition.

In a statement to The spectrumSA said it has been in communication with a student representative from the former men's hockey club and is working with the Men's Ice Hockey Club to help them be successful once they apply for recognition on November 1, as SA would do with any other club. future club.

It is expected that the club leaders of the ice hockey teams and SA will meet this week.

Rodrigo Feijo contributed to the reporting of this article.

Mylien Lai is the senior news editor and can be reached at [email protected]



Mylien Lai is the senior news editor at The spectrum. Besides getting lost in Buffalo, she enjoys practicing piano and being the mother of a bean plant. She can be found at @my_my_my_myliennnn on Instagram.




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