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See images of Sacramento State's proposed new football stadium in an exclusive first look

See images of Sacramento State's proposed new football stadium in an exclusive first look
See images of Sacramento State's proposed new football stadium in an exclusive first look


SACRAMENTO – We got an exclusive first look Wednesday at early renderings of Sacramento State's proposed new multi-purpose football stadium amid the university's push to join the Pac-12.

At the end of September, university announced plans for the new, state-of-the-art 25,000-seat stadium that would replace the current Hornet Stadium, which seats about 21,000 — not enough due to Pac-12 requirements.

This new stadium would sit on the same footprint as Hornet Stadium, which the university says will be demolished by the end of this year.

“Honestly, I haven't been to a football game in a while, so I would love to see it in such a new environment. I'm excited,” Sac State sophomore Kashia Yang said.

sac state new stadium view street view

Sacramento State University

Plans for the new stadium are being drawn up by architectural firm Populous, which designed the San Francisco Giants' Oracle Park and the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in Sacramento.

“It's more lively,” Sac State senior Annika Mei Bulauan said. “I would invite all my friends to go. We could just have fun.”

These are conceptual representations. We can expect more detailed renderings with updates as we get closer to the start of construction.

Some students, excited about the stadium, asked CBS13, “Am I paying for it?”

“I'm curious where the money comes from. Tuition fees are already going up,” says student Pedro Montes.


Sacramento State University

Sacramento State President Luke Wood said funding for the new stadium will come from student fees, alumni donations, sponsorships and California State University revenue bonds that the board of trustees will vote on in November.

“The stadium is an affirmation of our belief that Sacramento has the spirit and passion to make this a college football city,” Wood said.

In addition to football, the university said the stadium would also host football, rugby and other collegiate competitions.

A coalition called SAC 12 was founded by local leaders to advocate for Sac State to advance in collegiate competition to the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) level, the highest level of college football. Sac State is currently a member of the Big Sky Conference in the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS).

“Who knows if the PAC-12 will choose us, but I know this: It will be a mistake if they don't,” said Barry Broome of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council.

The new football stadium and its financing were part of a five-step plan constructed by Sac 12 that would allow the university to make the jump to the Pac-12.

That plan also included a push for a new Hornets basketball stadium. The current one is also too small for the Pac-12.

On Wednesday, the Sacramento Kings announced that it offered Sacramento State the opportunity to use the Golden 1 Center for its own men's and women's basketball home games.

The Pac-12 will have two full-time members this year and six more will join after the 2025 season. The conference must field at least eight football teams to remain an official FBS conference.

On Tuesday, the powerhouse of college basketball Gonzaga was the latest school to announce that it would participate in the conference. However, the school does not have a football team, so the Pac-12 will continue to look for at least one additional program to add to the conference.

Sacramento is the 20th largest media market in the country and would be the second largest in the Pac-12.

The new Pac-12 will include Oregon, Washington State, Gonzaga, Colorado State, Fresno State, San Diego State and Utah State in 2026.




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