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Column: Passion for football flows during Marine League battles

Column: Passion for football flows during Marine League battles


Hide the children. Close the blinds. Put in the earplugs.

It's time for Marine League football, where fans like to shout, players like to hit and coaches like to argue.

It would be nice if Narbonne, Banning, San Pedro, Gardena and Carson all got along. City Department Commissioner Vicky Lagos even held a meeting between the coaches, athletic directors and administrators before the season. They were all reportedly cooperative and agreed to work together to avoid the usual disruptions.

The expectation is always good sportsmanship, Lagos said.

This is a football season in which the top five teams in the city section are from the Marine League, according to CalPreps computer rankings. That will make for an epic competition season.

The focus on the league brings back memories of the glory years of the 1970s and 1980s, when Carson, led by Hall of Fame coach Gene Vollnogle, and Banning, led by Hall of Fame coach Chris Ferragamo, were one powerful team rolled out after another. Than Mike Walsh from San Pedro He won five city titles and 227 games before retiring in 2016. Manuel Douglas then turned Narbonne into a powerhouse with eight city titles until his dismissal in 2020.

The physicality and intensity of each match between the rivals is fueled by the pride of each fanbase. Each high school comes from its own small community of San Pedro, Harbor City, Gardena, Carson and Wilmington.

Location plays a big factor, said All-City defensive end Dylan Rubino of San Pedro. You grow up with a lot of people on the same team and with the competitive spirit you want to be better than your friend. I am proud that San Pedro was born and raised here. Growing up in the region, football is a big thing.

Rubino, quarterback Marcus Jeronymo and Banning All-City defensive back Steven Perez attended the same high school. They like each other. They respect each other. But on the field they want to win.

“I live two minutes away from Banning,” Perez said. I got to play for the Pilots youth football teams. And to be able to go to high school and have the opportunity to play at the next level from my high school back home means a lot to me.

They also agree that adults should allow players to compete without distractions in the stands or without incident before or after games. It's fun to play football. It's no fun dealing with the consequences when fights happen and good sportsmanship is ignored.

I think every player appreciates the love that other players have for the game, Rubino said. We are all proud of the game of football in our city. You celebrate it in a modest way. That's the way it should be. We all know we will be playing in the Open Division. Don't do stupid things. You're going to see them again.

Opening weekend has San Pedro in Carson and Banning in Narbonne. They must be great games. Enjoy it. Encourage your team. Remember, this is high school football. Teenagers try to do their best to make their community proud.

It doesn't matter what team you play on, it's going to be chippy, it's going to be physical, there's going to be contact at the end of the day. It's who wants it more, Perez said.




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