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Chilling abuse revealed in new Jelena Dokic tennis documentation

Chilling abuse revealed in new Jelena Dokic tennis documentation
Chilling abuse revealed in new Jelena Dokic tennis documentation


Former Australian tennis champion Jelena Dokic will tell her life story in a new documentary that will be released next month.

A trailer for the documentary titled 'Unbreakable' was released this week.

Dokic's story is well known. She was born in Yugoslavia and her family moved to Australia when she was 11 years old.

Dokic made a name for himself as a talented junior tennis player, winning the 1998 US Open girls title and the French Open doubles with Kim Clijsters.

She won the Hopman Cup for Australia in 1999 with Mark Philippoussis.

Her breakthrough moment came that same year when, as a 16-year-old, she upset qualifier Martina Hingis in the first round at Wimbledon and raced to the quarter-finals.

Jelena Dokic during the 2000 US Open AP

In 2000 she reached the semi-finals of Wimbledon, her best result at a grand slam.

After a turbulent period in the mid-2000s, she made a comeback to tennis and made a fairytale run to the quarter-finals of the 2009 Australian Open.

But behind the scenes, her relationship with her father Damir Dokic became strained and in her 2017 memoir 'Unbreakable' she detailed the horrific physical and mental abuse she suffered at the hands of her father.

The documentary took three years to produce and the official trailer was released this week by film studio Village Roadshow.

The film was written by Ivan OMahoney and journalist Jessica Halloran and features many big names from the tennis world.

In the trailer, you hear Dokic reflect on her father's abuse, and at one point she bursts into tears.

I am 16 years old. I'm playing against the number 1 in the world, Martina Hingis, she said. “I knew that if I lost, the consequences would be catastrophic. One day after I lost, he was extremely angry. I knew what was going to happen.

“There wasn't an inch of skin that wasn't bruised. I'm 17 and his actions made (me) the most hated person.

Featured is Dokic's contemporary Lindsay Davenport, the three-time Grand Slam champion who was the best female tennis player in the world at the turn of the century.

Some other players had noticed bruises, said Davenport, who played against Dokic several times.

Jelena and her father Damir Dokic Unbreakable/YouTube

American doubles legend Pam Shriver added: When you look back and see what she accomplished, wow.

Australian journalist Richard Hinds says in the documentary: Quite early on there were rumors about what happened. Questions were asked, but they hit a wall.

Leading tennis reporter Christopher Clarey added: Could I have dug deeper to discover what was really going on? I think a lot of us could have done that.

The response to the trailer's release was overwhelmingly positive and Dokic was flooded with support.

Jelena Dokic has openly discussed her struggles. Unbreakable/YouTube

Tennis account Christians Court wrote on X: The trailer for Jelena Dokic's Unbreakable is so chilling.

Dokic, now one of Australia's leading tennis commentators and a staunch advocate for mental health, has been very open about her struggles with body image and has hit back at social media trolls who have criticized her weight.

Earlier this year, the 41-year-old revealed she had lost 45 pounds as part of an effort to take care of her health.

The former tennis star said that between the ages of 40 and her own creeping health problems, she really started thinking about her family history of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems.

This is about health and not size. So many questions about how to get healthier, what helped me lose weight, she said. Weight loss was not a priority. It's just a byproduct of taking care of my health.

Dokic said it was small changes over time that helped her maintain her health goals.

I stopped eating late at night, especially things like burgers, pizza, fries and desserts, because it made me feel so sluggish when I woke up, especially for early morning work and flights, she said.

So I don't eat heavy meals in the evening anymore and I don't eat after 7pm. It's small changes over time and while I still have my cheeseburger and fries days, it's just a lot less and I definitely don't eat junk food when I'm working and traveling.

Just consistency and small changes over time. I also started exercising more. Little changes for a healthier lifestyle. Remember that it is not one size fits all and do what is best for you. Everyone is different.




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