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Lavender Hill table tennis champion scores two SA titles

Lavender Hill table tennis champion scores two SA titles


In a remarkable feat, a girl from Lavender Hill has become the youngest player and first woman to achieve double wins at a national table tennis competition.

At just 15 years old, Rochica Sonday, who is part of the Duinefontein Table Tennis Club in Grassy Park, won gold in both the SA U19 Girls Championship and the SA Ladies Open.

The talented player who started her table tennis trip in 2018 at the age of nine, trains three times a week and says her dedication has finally paid off.

She tells the Daily Voice: A few months before the national championships I put in all the hard work to win the women's tournament, which was the only thing I really wanted to win at the national championships, so I'm very happy that I was able to win.

Tops: Won the SA U19 Girls tournament and the SA Ladies Open on Sunday. image included

The 2024 South African Table Tennis Open was held from September 21 to 29 at the Brixton Multipurpose Center in Johannesburg.

In both finals, the Grade 10 student from Lavender Hill High School faced tough competition; Karen Pillay and Danisha Patel from KwaZulu-Natal and Johannesburg respectively.

Rochina grins: I felt nervous competing against players from different places, but I managed to control my nerves and surprisingly, I surpassed them.

Wafeeq Domingo, chairman of the Duinefontein Table Tennis Club, says Rochicas' performance is a big milestone for the club.

He thinks: As far as I know, she is the youngest in history to have done this. Now that Rochica has done it at such an age, she is going to inspire the younger boys.

Chairman: Wafeeq Domingo. Images: supplied

She wasn't the club champion, and Waydin Brown came home with the U13 SA Boys title.

Domingo hopes this will encourage more children from different communities to take up the sport.

The proud chairman added: We can simply inspire more children to play and uncover more talent, but funding constraints make it very difficult to operate in these areas.

Other Cape Town teams, such as the Boundary Table Tennis Club from Bonteheuwel, took four titles out of the ten up for grabs at the national championships.

For parents in the Lavender Hill community, involving their children in this club is a positive way to help them avoid negative influences.

Waydin's mother, Stacey Brown, says supporting her son in sports can be a challenge, but they strive to do their best.

She says: There are difficult times when we don't have money to support him in tournaments, but we persevere, she says.

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