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University of Troy

University of Troy



TROY, Ala. The Troy men's tennis program sets its sights on the first of the fall tournament schedule with the Mercer Gridiron Classic, which begins on Friday, October 4 and ends on Sunday, October 6 at the LeRoy Peddy Tennis Center.

“I'm looking forward to having a good weekend in Macon,” said head coach Rolando Vargas said. “We are bringing the whole team, so we are happy to have the opportunity to compete. It will be fascinating to see how we have prepared physically and mentally. Doubles will be important to see our chemistry. We have excellent had results.” have been practicing before and the energy seems really good, so this will be our first chance to send a message, and we'll see how it goes.”

Troy opens the tournament on Friday with a full round of doubles and two rounds of singles. Saturday starts with two more rounds of doubles, followed by another singles round. The tournament ends on Sunday with a single round of doubles and singles.

Tournament information

What: Mercer Gridiron Classic
Where: Macon, Georgia LeRoy Peddy Tennis Center
When: Friday October 4, Sunday October 6
Who: Alabama State, Georgia College, Georgia Southern, Georgia State, Middle Georgia State, Jacksonville State, Clemson, Furman, North Florida

Luciano Alcocer, Yeray Andres Pastor, Vicente Arbelaez, Henry the Briton, Hello Sakamoto, Nicholas Simkin

Summary 2023-24

In 2023-2024, the Trojans topped the charts as the No. 62 ranked team in ITA after compiling a 19-7, 4-4 SBC record. At the Lunsford Tennis Complex, Troy dominated almost every time, falling one match short of a perfect 12–1 record. In non-conference play, Mario Martinez Serrano won his 11e straight singles match to knock off No. 53 South Florida on the road, while also defeating Point, Alcorn (2x), AUM (2x) and Alabama A&M.

Despite the season ending early for the Trojans with an opening round loss to No. 3 Georgia State, 4–1, the program finished as the No. 9 ranked team in the ITA Southern Regional and 10e in the final regional singles rankings (119e general). Individually, Mario Martinez remained in the top 100 for the singles rankings with a top position of 71st. Charles Anton and Andres Pastor also earned All-SBC Second Team for doubles, and Martinez Serrano was named Sun Belt Player to Watch for the second consecutive season and also earned All-Sun Belt First Team.

The team opens the 2024-2025 campaign with the introduction of two first-years, Henry the Briton And Hello Sakamototo complete the seven-man roster.




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