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Timothe Chalamet film 'Marty Supreme' with Fran Drescher

Timothe Chalamet film 'Marty Supreme' with Fran Drescher
Timothe Chalamet film 'Marty Supreme' with Fran Drescher


Fran Drescher co-stars in Josh Safdie's A24 film, Marty Supreme.

The SAG-AFTRA president will star opposite Timothée Chalamet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tyler, The Creator, Odessa A'zion, Penn Jillette, Kevin O'Leary aka Mr. Wonderful and Abel Ferrara.

The original screenplay, written by Safdie and Ronald Bronstein, is loosely based on the life of Marty Reisman, set in the world of 1950s ping-pong culture. Reisman was known for being unconventional in the sport, but won two U.S. men's singles championships in 1958 and 1960 and more than twenty international and national titles. He became famous for mastering the hard bat style, a traditional style of table tennis that uses a racket without a sponge layer to emphasize control and spin over speed and power. His mastery of the sport earned him a reputation as one of the last greats of table tennis of that era.

Producers are Eli Bush, Anthony Katagas, Ronald Bronstein, Josh Safdie, Timothée Chalamet and A24.

The film is currently in production.

Drescher has been nominated twice for the Primetime Emmy Comedy Series for Best Actress for the CBS sitcom The babysitter which she also co-created. Drescher reprises her role as Bobbi Flekman in Rob Reiner's Backbone II. Her feature film credits include Saturday Night Fever, Ragtime, Francis Ford Coppola Jack, the beautician and the beast and the Hotel Transylvania franchise. She also co-created, wrote and starred in the TVLand series Happily divorced.

Drescher was elected to two terms as president of SAG-AFTRA in 2021 and 2023. Last year, she led the actors' union in a five-month strike that won artists an increase in their minimum wage, new streaming residuals and protections from artificial intelligence.

Variety had the news first.




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