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#7 Field Hockey Shatters Records in 13-1 Defeat of Lock Haven

#7 Field Hockey Shatters Records in 13-1 Defeat of Lock Haven
#7 Field Hockey Shatters Records in 13-1 Defeat of Lock Haven


MERION STATION, Pa. In perhaps the most dominant offensive performance in Atlantic 10 field hockey history, the seventh-seeded Saint Joseph's Hawks defeated Lock Haven 13-1 on Friday afternoon at Ellen Ryan Field. The Hawks set both program and conference records for goals in a game and tied the league record for margin of victory in victory.


Saint Joseph's (8-2 overall, 2-1 Atlantic 10) quickly bounced back from last week's loss, outscoring the Bald Eagles 13-0 in the first quarter. Julia Duffhuis broke through with the first goal of the match after six minutes earlier from a penalty corner Manu Ghigliotti doubled the lead with three minutes remaining.

Lily Saints scored twice in the second quarter, taking a pass from Ghigliotti early in the stanza before finishing a corner kick with 5:43 to play in the first half to send the Hawks on top at halftime, 4–0.

Santi then completed her hat trick with her 10e goal of the season just 101 seconds into the third quarter before Celeste Smith scored a minute and a half later to take the lead to six.

Ghigliotti grabbed her second of the day in a corner just five minutes after the third, and Smits would double her tally for the afternoon just after the halfway point. Sol Borenstein got on the board in the final minute to cap off a five-goal quarter and tie the previous program record for goals in a game with a 9–0 lead.

Yfke Walter broke that record three minutes into the fourth quarter and scored her first collegiate goal Nike Deickes first collegiate assist before Borensztein struck again two minutes later. Erika Culp then a long ball changes direction Luise Kirschner for the former's sixth goal of the season and the latter's first career point.

Lock Haven (2-9 overall, 1-2 Atlantic 10) scored a consolation goal through Madison Friend with just under two minutes remaining Emma Winter scored her first goal as a Hawk with 5.7 seconds left, setting the final score and a new conference record.


The 13 goals are a single-game record for an Atlantic 10 school; Richmond scored 12 in a game in 2009 before UMass matched the feat in 2016. The 12-goal margin of victory matched those programs in their 12-goal performance.

It also marks the most goals scored in a Division I match this season.

The Hawks also added a program record 13 assists that day, the most in Division I since UConn collected 13 against Villanova on Oct. 6, 2017, to rank fifth in Division I history.

SJU's previous record for goals in a game was nine, set on September 1, 2019, at Hofstra, while the previous record of nine assists was set in 1995.

The Hawks also scored 39 points, the most in Division I in 16 years and tied Wake Forest (vs. Davidson, Oct. 8, 2003) for the second-most total in NCAA Division I history.

Santi's eight points tied a program record set by four other players, including Ghigliotti. She is the first to score eight points and at the same time encourages her teammates to score; all four previous Hawks to reach the goal did so without an assist.

Marith Bijkerk got the start in the cage and wasn't called to stop; Shannon McNally came into action at halftime and made two saves that day. Kelsey Felix scored seven for Lock Haven, while Maja Halasz added a pair in relief.

Saint Joseph's had a 35-4 advantage in shots and earned 14 penalty corners while conceding four.


The Hawks leave for Delaware on Sunday. The playing time is set at 12:00.




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