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Augustana is mourning the loss of coach Chad Demers

Augustana is mourning the loss of coach Chad Demers
Augustana is mourning the loss of coach Chad Demers


SIOUX FALLS, SD It is with great sadness that Augustana Athletics must pass on the news that the Augustana men's hockey assistant coach Chad Demers passed away on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. He was 33. You can read his obituary here.

We ask that you send your thoughts and prayers to the entire Demers family, his wife Danika and their three children.

“All of our love and support goes out to the Demers family at this time,” said Augustana hockey head coach Garrett Raboin. “Chad was so much more than a coach. He was a wonderful son, brother, husband to Danika and father to Beau, Thea and Ella.”

“Despite our pain and sadness, we are extremely grateful for the time we had with Chad. He made us all better and provided a model for how to appreciate family and each other and how to seize the opportunity to play the greatest sport. on earth There are no words big enough to express the impact he has had on our hockey program. The lessons and example he set will live on forever at Viking Hockey.

Funeral services will be held on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM at the Grafton High School Gymnasium. Visitation will be held Sunday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, with a prayer service at 6:00 PM at Grafton Lutheran Church. Friends may also call at the school one hour before the service. Military rites will be provided by the Grafton American Legion Post #41 and the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard. Burial will be in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Oakwood, ND.

Chad arrived for the inaugural season of Augustana hockey following a successful 2022-2023 season in the USHL as associate head coach of the Fargo Force. While in Fargo, he helped coach the Force to a record 40-14-4-4 season and a shot at the Clark Cup. The native of Grafton, North Dakota, played for the Force from 2008 to 2011 and served as team captain from 2010 to 2011.

Demers, a 2015 Air Force Academy graduate and team captain, was a finalist for the Senior CLASS Award, which recognizes excellence in the classroom, community, character and competition. He earned the Jim Bowman Award in his senior year as the team's top scholar-athlete. Demers ties the school record with 156 consecutive games played and ranks fifth in points since the Falcons joined a conference in 1999 (48-78-126). A two-time academic all-conference selection, he ranks 24th in Air Force history in scoring and helped lead the Falcons to a regular season and tournament title in 2012.

After graduation, Demers served on active duty as an acquisition officer at Los Angeles AFB, California, and as an ROTC instructor at the University of North Dakota. While in California, he helped coach the LA Junior Kings and the California Patriots.

Demers served as a volunteer assistant coach with the Force for a season before being named assistant coach and scouting director in July 2019. Demers was promoted to assistant head coach for the 2020-2021 season.

Demers helped his high school to the state championship and also helped the Dakota Starz to the 16U Tier II USA Hockey national championship in 2008.

For more information about Chad's courageous journey, The ice rink live And MidcoMag have functions linked.




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