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Debutants become historic table tennis champions in Paris 2024

Debutants become historic table tennis champions in Paris 2024
Debutants become historic table tennis champions in Paris 2024


Twenty athletes with intellectual disabilities, equally divided between men and women, went to the French capital to compete for the coveted Paralympic medals at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. Among them, three debutants not only claimed their first Paralympic medals, but wrote also history with their performances.

1. Wada Natsuki (JPN): Wins Japan's first gold medal

Wada Natsuki celebrates her epic victory (L) and poses with her historic medal at Paris 2024. Photo credit: ITTF

Wada Natsuki, from Osaka, Japan, made history by winning her country's first-ever gold in Para Table Tennis at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. Fulfilling the vision she had shared with Virtus before Paris 2024, namely the desire to win the gold medal, she triumphed over Tokyo 2020 champion Elena Prokofeva (NPA) in the Class 11 singles final, marking her first Paralympic medal marked.

Natsuki's journey was not an easy one: during her school years, she was bullied and ridiculed due to her intellectual disability. Remarkably, she only started playing table tennis four years ago as part of a weight-loss routine. Her rise was meteoric, capturing gold at the 2022 Virtus Oceania Asia Games and later at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Para Games, making her a formidable force on the world stage.

To cope with her disability, Natsuki has developed a routine to keep her life organized as any disruptions can upset her. She only started playing table tennis four years ago, initially as part of a weight-loss program. After taking up swimming, she discovered a nearby table tennis facility and has since found a passion for the sport, which has led her to remarkable achievements.

Read more about her journey to the Paralympic Games here.

2. Acer Ebru (TUR): First C11 class medal for Turkey.

Acer Ebru in action receiving her medal at Paris 2024. Photo Credit: ITTF Acer Ebru, from the Mamak district of Ankara, Trkiye, made history for both Trkiye and herself by securing bronze in the Womens II1 Singles, helping Turkey marking the first ever medal in Class 11 Paralympic events. Ebru earned her spot in Paris with a standout performance at the 2023 Virtus Global Games, becoming the first Turkish athlete with an intellectual disability to compete in the Class 11 Para Table Tennis category.

Acer's passion for table tennis started in primary school when her mother enrolled her and her sister in lessons, and she quickly fell in love with the sport. Despite challenges academically and feeling behind her peers due to her intellectual disability, Acer found peace and success in table tennis. She said life has been difficult, with others often struggling to understand the challenges faced by people with intellectual disabilities.

Through table tennis, Acer overcame many personal difficulties and found peace and joy in the sport. Her consistent excellence at the Virtus European Regional Games, ITTF Championships and her victory at the 2023 Virtus Global Games have propelled her to the top, earning her the title of World No. 1 in the ITTF rankings.

Her career accolades include bronze at the gold at the 2023 Virtus Global Games, the ITTF World Championship Granada 2022, gold at the 2022 Virtus European Games and wins at Sheffield 2022, along with silver at the 2019 Helsingborg European Championship and now silver at the Paralympic Paris 2024 Games.

Read more about her journey to the Paralympic Games here.

3. Chen Po-Yen (TPE): First C11 medal for Chinese Taipei

Chen Po-Yen in action (L) showing off his first Paralympic medal along with other medalists at Paris 2024. Photo credit: ITTF

At just eighteen years old, Chen Po-Yen made a spectacular entrance onto the world stage with an outstanding Paralympic debut, winning silver at his first Paralympic Games in Paris 2024.

Po-Yen's parents and older sister have been his staunch supporters, helping him pursue his dreams without letting his intellectual disability limit his ambitions. In fact, it was his sister who first sparked his passion for table tennis, inspiring him from a young age as he watched her play from the sidelines.

His winning streak started at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Para Games, where he won gold in men's singles and silver in mixed doubles. Later at the 2023 Virtus Global Games in Vichy, this exceptional teenager earned his spot for Paris 2024 by triumphing in the II1 Men's Singles event and winning the silver at Paris 2024, cementing his place as a rising star in para-table tennis.

Read more about his journey to the Paralympic Games here.

These historic achievements by Natsuki, Ebru and Po-Yen highlight the spirit and perseverance of athletes with intellectual disabilities, making their Paralympic debut in Paris 2024 a shining moment for their country and paving the way for young athletes with intellectual disabilities in their country and around the world.




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