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The third-place Golden Knights win Home Opener against Vermont 6-2

The third-place Golden Knights win Home Opener against Vermont 6-2
The third-place Golden Knights win Home Opener against Vermont 6-2


Potsdam, NY Six different players scored goals, two in each period, as the Clarkson University women's hockey team claimed a victory in their home opener by defeating Vermont 6-2 Friday night at Cheel Arena.

The Golden Knights improved to 3-0 on the season, while Vermont fell to 0-1. Both teams will play each other again on Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m.

It took very little time for the Golden Knights to get on the scoreboard as the Knights led 1-0 less than a minute into the game. Rhea Hicks had possession from the goal line and sent a pass to Keira Hurry. The sophomore took a wrist shot and the puck was redirected Rebecca Morissette into the net, a position she might not have been in had she not been pushed to the ground a second earlier.

Two goals were scored about twenty seconds apart. Vermont was whistled for a penalty because it appeared a Catamount player had covered the puck in the crease. Sidney Fess took a penalty shot for the Knights, slipping one past the Vermont goaltender at 6:36. However, on the next faceoff, Vermont took possession and cut the margin to one. Kyla Bent backhanded a shot onto the net without much pace, but that was enough for Evelyne Blais-Savoie as she tapped in at 6:57 to try to make it 2-1.

Vermont tied the score about 10 minutes later as the offense continued, coming on the power play when Clarkson was called for a cross-check. From behind the net, the puck moved to the left circle and in front to Kyla Bent, where she took a wrist shot from the point, over the left shoulder of Clarkson netminder. Julia Minotti.

While it was the offense that highlighted the first period for both teams, Clarkson's defense stood tall in the second stanza. The Knights allowed just four shots total, three of which ultimately reached Minotti to be saved. That defensive effort from front to back presented Clarkson with a number of excellent opportunities, which were ultimately capitalized midway through the period. During the power play, Clarkson reset from behind his own net and quickly created a 4-on-3 situation, as Anne Cherkowski skated up the right side untouched and found Sena Catterall with a centering pass, making it 3-2. In the final two minutes of the period, the Knights scored another goal. Keira Hurry artfully kept the puck in the attacking zone and found Hicks on the left side. Her shot was deflected and Morissette's attempt was deflected away, but Hicks' next effort found its way over the line to make it 4-2.

The Knights scored two more in the third period, one in the first 90 seconds and one in the final minute. A 3-on-1 ended with Jenna Goodwin at 1:29, with assists to Shelby Laidlaw And Raedyn Spademanand two of those players also scored the final goal. As Vermont tried to clear the zone, Goodwin stepped right in to steal the puck and made one pass to Spademan, who was denied on her first attempt but banked in the second shot at 19:29.

Clarkson outscored Vermont 42-16 overall, while Minotti made 14 saves and Sydney Correa recorded 36 saves. While six different players may have scored goals for the Golden Knights, five players had two points in the game, including Haast, Hicks, Goodwin, Spademan and Catterall.




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