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“Shin Yu-bin X Jang Woo-jin, Ace!” From 7 to 13, Kazakhstan Ta

“Shin Yu-bin X Jang Woo-jin, Ace!” From 7 to 13, Kazakhstan Ta
“Shin Yu-bin X Jang Woo-jin, Ace!” From 7 to 13, Kazakhstan Ta


photo courtesy of the Korea Table Tennis Association

The Korean men's and women's national table tennis team left on the 5th to participate in the 2024 Asian Table Tennis Championships.

The male and female top performers, who regained their first medal in 12 years at the Paris Olympics, will once again challenge the Asian podium. The men's team consisted of Jang Woo-jin (Se-ah), Cho Dae-sung (Samsung Life Insurance), Lim Jong-hoon, Ahn Jae-hyun (Korea Exchange), Oh Jun-sung (Mirae Asset Securities) and the women's team consisted of Shin Yoo-bin (Korean Air), Jeon Ji-hee (Mirae Asset Securities), Lee Eun-hye (Korean Air), Seo Hyo-won (Korea Racing Authority) and Kim Na-young (Posco Internationale). In addition to the men's and women's singles and the men's doubles, the men's doubles consisted of Jang Woo-jin-Cho Dae-sung, Lim Jong-hoon-Ahn Jae-jo, the women's doubles consisted of Shin Yoo-bin-Jeon Ji-hee, Kim Na-young -Lee Eun-hyejo, and the mixed doubles consisted of Shin Yoo-bin-Im Jong-hoon and Kim Na-young-Cho Dae-sung. Ju Se-hyuk, the men's team coach whose term expired after the Paris Olympics, becomes head coach of Korean Air, Oh Kwang-heon, the women's team coach, has moved to Boram Sangjo, and Hwang Sung-hoon and Seok Eun-mi, the coach of the men's and women's teams, will lead the team under a temporary coaching system.

The Asian Table Tennis Championships were originally the top national competition in Asia and were held biannually, but have since this year changed to an annual format. The Asian Championships will also serve as the Asian regional qualifying round for the World Championships. The top 26 players in men's singles, the top 29 in women's singles, the top 15 in men's and women's doubles, and the top 14 in mixed doubles will be assigned to the individual competition at the Doha World Championships in Qatar. year.

The competition, which will be held for the first time in more than a year since last year's Asian Championship in Pyeongchang, will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan, from September 7 to 13. The men's and women's team events start from the 7th to the 10th, and the men's and women's individual events start from the 9th to determine the winners (groups) until the 13th in the order of mixed doubles, men's and women's doubles, and men's and women's doubles. ladies singles. South Korea won a silver medal in the women's team event, a bronze medal in the men's team event, two bronze medals in the men's doubles (Jang Woo-jin-Im Jong-hoon, Park Kang-hyun-Ahn Jae-hyun), and one bronze medal in women's doubles (Shin Yu-bin-Jeon)

Ji-hee) and one bronze medal in mixed doubles (Shin Yoo-bin and Lim Jong-hoon) have won six medals. Both the men's and women's singles were eliminated in the round of 16, leaving regrets behind. With tickets to the world championships on the line, they expect a performance of the quarter-finals or higher. The tournament will feature not only Chinese and Japanese aces, but also traditional powerhouses such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as ambushers from India, Thailand and Iran, which have surged in power.

Fans are paying close attention to whether the men's and women's table tennis teams, who have regained medals for the first time in 12 years since London in 2012, will continue to rise in their first international competition since the Olympics. Hwang Sung-hoon and Seok Eun-mi, the coaches of the men's and women's teams, said: “After the Olympic Games, players have adapted their conditions through injury management and rest, and maintained their playing sense by continuously participating in the WTT. international competitions”First of all, I will try to win medals in every event, after securing a stable spot for the world championships.” expressed his determination.

Reporter Jeon Young-ji [email protected]




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