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Sun Devils score late against Jayhawks, 35-31

Sun Devils score late against Jayhawks, 35-31
Sun Devils score late against Jayhawks, 35-31



TEMPE, Ariz. In a game that saw five lead changes in the fourth quarter, Arizona State scored a touchdown with 16 seconds left to play to beat Kansas 35-31 on Saturday night in the first-ever meeting between the two teams.

It was hot 107 degrees at kickoff at Mountain America Stadium, and both teams got off to a hot start, scoring on their opening drives. Arizona State started first with a 28-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Sam Leavitt to Xavier Guillory.

Kansas responded with a touchdown of its own on a 22-yard rushing touchdown by the redshirt junior quarterback Milestone Danielswho capped a 10-play, 75-yard drive to tie the score at 7-7 with 6:24 left in the first quarter. The rushing touchdown was Daniels' third of the season and 16th of his career.

After the score was tied at 7-7 at the quarter break, Kansas took its first lead of the game on a 30-yard touchdown strike from Daniels to senior wide receiver Quentin Skinnerhis first touchdown reception of the season. The score put Kansas ahead, 14-7 with 11:45 to go before halftime.

Looking for an answer, Arizona State drove into Kansas' possession and attempted a 38-yard field goal on their next drive. However, the Jayhawks blocked the attempt as a defensive lineman Kenean Caldwell got a hand on the kick and made KU's first blocked field goal since 2022.

After a Jayhawk punt, ASU again tried to get into position to score, but senior cornerback Mello Dotson stripped ASU's Jordyn Tyson of the ball and recovered, ending another threat in Kansas territory. Kansas went three-and-out on its next possession and the Sun Devils closed the half with a four-play, 58-yard scoring drive to tie the game, 14-14, at halftime.

After a second half, opening field goal by senior kicker Tabor AllenArizona State drove down the field into the red zone, but was intercepted by the redshirt senior Devin dye in the end zone.

However, Kansas was unable to capitalize on the turnover and Arizona State scored to regain a 21–17 lead on a 1-yard touchdown run by Skattebo early in the fourth quarter.

The Jayhawks went back to the ground game on the next possession and scored to regain the lead, 24-21, on a 31-yard touchdown rush by senior Devin Neal. The touchdown rush was Neal's fifth of the season and 38th of his career.

Arizona State answered again with a 10-play, 75-yard touchdown drive to get back on top 28-24 with 6:19 to play.

Daniels created the lead again, this time driving the Jayhawks 69 yards in six plays to regain the lead. The scoring drive ended with Skinner going full overtime as he hauled in his second touchdown of the night, a 34-yard touchdown from Daniels that put the Jayhawks on top 31-28 with 2:04 to play.

But as they did all night, the Sun Devils responded. This time, the ASU scoring drive covered 75 yards in eight plays and ended on a three-yard touchdown pass from Leavitt to Tyson with just 16 seconds left.

Kansas had one last chance, but Daniels' final Hail Mary pass attempt was batted down in the end zone, allowing the Sun Devils to claim the conference victory.

After an open week, the Jayhawks return to GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium to host the Houston Cougars on Saturday, October 19. Kickoff time and broadcast information will be released at a later date.




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