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La Salle women's hockey teams call for an end to 'senseless gun violence' after shooting ends game prematurely

La Salle women's hockey teams call for an end to 'senseless gun violence' after shooting ends game prematurely
La Salle women's hockey teams call for an end to 'senseless gun violence' after shooting ends game prematurely


Last Friday, a women's hockey game ended abruptly due to a shooting nearby.

Saint Louis and La Salle faced off at Howarth Field at Temple University in Philadelphia. La Salle, another school from Philly, will play its home games on the field this year.

With 10:45 to go, gunshots rang out across the block, forcing virtually everyone in the complex to take cover.


NCAA field hockey

The Division II Women's Hockey Championship game between the Shippensburg Raiders and West Chester Golden Rams was held at Biemesderfer Stadium on November 21, 2021 in Millersville, Pennsylvania. (Larry French/NCAA Photos via Getty Images)

The situation prompted La Salle to break its silence on the incident involving 'senseless gun violence'.

In the statement released Friday, the team said bullets “began to enter the complex,” putting the players in serious danger.

“Everyone on the field was exposed, forced to run for their lives as they heard bullets whizzing overhead and witnessed shots crossing the field, some hitting the turf. Fans supporting the Explorers and Billikens had to take cover as “The players who reached the locker room safely had no idea if their families, friends and missing teammates were injured,” the team wrote. sent a message to X.

“This is not normal. We cannot accept this as our reality. We are committed to sharing our story – the real story. The public needs to understand the seriousness of this ongoing problem, and we cannot achieve that if experiences like ours continue to be side-stepped.

Temple logo

The shooting took place at a Temple University complex. (Dylan Buell/Getty Images)


“We are raising our voices to advocate for change, and we will not let this incident stop us from playing the game we love. We are grateful no one was hurt, but it doesn't have to take a tragedy before change happens. Thank you for your support. Together we can make a difference.”

Philadelphia Police said the shooting happened in a nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken parking lot — no arrest was initially made and no weapon was recovered, but fortunately no one was injured.

La Salle was winning 1-0 at the time of the shooting. Since then, that score has given them a win. They played their first game since the shooting on Friday, losing 4-0 to the University of Richmond.

field hockey stick

A hockey stick and hockey ball during the Men's Hockey International match between Ireland and Austria at the Sport Ireland Campus in Dublin. (Brendan Moran/Sportsfile via Getty Images)


Saint Louis had a game against Sacred Heart canceled earlier this week. They also returned to action on Friday and lost 5-1 to UMass.

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