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Second place in 2023 forces Trevians hockey to find something extra this season

Second place in 2023 forces Trevians hockey to find something extra this season



New Trier hockey doesn't often get beaten on the scoreboard, but when it does, they have a foolproof plan.


The Trevians, considered the best hockey program in the state, have set a goal this year to rise to the occasion every time they give up a goal. And as the Christian Academy of Louisville discovered Friday, Oct. 4, it's a pretty good plan.

“One thing we've done really well is react right away when we get scored on,” New Trier coach Brittany Romano said. “This team works so well together. They came together immediately. Within a few minutes of them scoring, we brought it back and it was 1-1. From there we took advantage and there was no turning back. We controlled the entire match.”

New Trier scored four unanswered goals Friday to beat their visitors 4-1 in Northfield and improve to 15-1-1 on the season.

A day later, the Trevians also defeated Loyola Academy 5-1, a lopsided result than the 3-1 game New Trier won against the Ramblers earlier this season.

Lilly Cimaroli passes a defender in Trevians' win against Glenbard West on October 1.

With about two weeks until the start of the postseason, Romano said the Trevians are in a good spot. Loyola is one of the top teams in the state, and New Trier also defeated highly ranked Lake Forest in overtime earlier this year and posted impressive wins on road trips to St. Louis and Pennsylvania.

“It's looking really good for us,” she says. “We have been on the rise all season. It seems like we're getting better and better every game.”

New Trier's extra focus on softening its weaknesses this season is a byproduct of last season's ending. Winners of four consecutive state championships (2018-2022, no tournament in 2020), the Trevians were favorites again in 2023; However, it does make a sparkling farewell gift retiring coach Stephanie Nykaza wasn't in the cards. New Trier fell 1-0 to Glenbrook South in the championship game.

Nykaza's understudy, Romano, took over the program and said the team, which consists of eight seniors, doesn't need much motivation to succeed.

“Obviously it's sad that (the state championship loss) happened, but it's such a huge motivator and has kept them hungry for more and everyone focused on the same mission,” Romano said. “It's still a threat there. We want to win again. There was no need to motivate them that way.”

Junior star midfielder Lilly Cimaroli has led the way for the Trevians. Cimaroli, who is also a member of the U16 U.S. Women's National Team, recently committed to hockey at Princeton. The Trevians also feature Northwestern commit Julia Soriano and Michigan commit Beatrice Ottsen, both seniors on the defensive end of the court. Kennedy Glinn is an experienced goaltender who just reached the milestone of 200 saves.

To fill the loss of 11 seniors from the 2023 class, New Trier has a variety of ages on its roster, including eight sophomores and two freshmen. Romano said that with the younger players eager and eager to learn and the older players pulling them in the right direction, the Trevians have found a dynamic mix that they believe will help them bounce back.

“This age has really been a relief,” she says. “We have a lot of girls who are willing to learn new things, and it was a blessing to have these seniors as my first group. They are willing to go along with everything and guide the little ones.

“They want all this. They want a state championship and understand that in order to win, they have to have all 25 players in the same boat and going in the same direction. The seniors took on that challenge and turned it into a great team.”

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