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The playoff atmosphere surrounds the Utah Hockey Club's first game

The playoff atmosphere surrounds the Utah Hockey Club's first game


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Utah Hockey Club wasted no effort to create a playoff-like atmosphere for the first game of the regular season on Tuesday night.

The NHL's newest franchise surrounded the home opener against the Chicago Blackhawks with a fan celebration leading up to the puck drop and beyond. An outdoor concert featuring country artist Shaboozey highlighted the pregame celebration.

The festivities culminated in an outdoor viewing party for fans who did not have tickets to the Delta Center. The ESPN broadcast was broadcast on two giant screens.

Utah Jazz forward Lauri Markkanen skated out the ceremonial puck and presented it to Utah Hockey Club and Jazz owner Ryan Smith. Ashley Smith dropped the puck for Utah Captain Clayton Keller and Chicago Captain Nick Foligno before the game.

“We're just trying to put on a fun event that everyone in the community will remember,” Ryan Smith said. It's no more complicated than that. This is a moment that speaks for itself. Everyone knows it's coming. We can do it once.

The atmosphere inside and outside the arena was electric all night long, mirroring the experience already common to Utah Jazz playoff games.

It's unbelievable, said Sean Cassity, a new season ticket holder for the Utah Hockey Club. So much excitement. Everyone wants the Utah Hockey Club to come here.

ESPN hosted a full day of tripleheader hockey coverage from a set in front of the arena. The network featured on-set interviews with Smith and NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and reported on Utah players emerging from the tunnel for the first skate.

Utah goaltender Karel Vejmelka wore a body camera during the morning skate, and footage was used by ESPN during studio segments. The camera was first used during Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Final when Florida Panthers backup goaltender Anthony Stolarz wore one.

Without a doubt, we were looking at Utah as an opening night opportunity, said Linda Schulz, who heads ESPN's NHL Productions. This is one of those easy ones because it's an opportunity for the league, the team and ESPN. Without a doubt, having them on opening night was immediately interesting and something we all worked towards.

Fans are eagerly embracing a second major professional franchise in Utah. The lone preseason game between Utah and the Los Angeles Kings in September drew 11,131 fans. Capacity will be expanded to 17,000 seats for hockey games once renovations are completed.

Utah has sold approximately 8,500 full season ticket equivalents. 34,000 people initially paid a deposit for tickets. The club is already on track to be among the top 20 NHL clubs in sponsorships and ticket revenue this season.

All signs point to hockey being the next big thing for residents of the Beehive State.

I wanted to choose a sport that is my sport, and when the hockey club came here, I said, 'That's it.' This is the one. We're going to learn everything and become the biggest fans, said Utah Hockey Club fan Makae Wright.


AP sportswriter Joe Reedy contributed to this report.






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